View Full Version : Qf Ferry Flight Adl-mel

28th Dec 2005, 20:24
Heard from a mate in Adelaide that a QF 734 that was hit by a honey cart had to get an ATP to fly back to MEL unpressurised.The strange thing is they flew it back at 19000ft.Were told to wear oxy all the way.Thought this might start some interesting threads about some non-normal situations others have been in...

Capt Fathom
28th Dec 2005, 22:43
Oxygen is cheaper than fuel! :E

king oath
28th Dec 2005, 23:44
Class E airspace.

29th Dec 2005, 05:21
What is a honey cart?

29th Dec 2005, 06:04

A soup trolley.

Ahab :E

Hugh Jarse
29th Dec 2005, 06:17
The Honey Cart pumps material out of the aircraft, which is sent back to catering to be recycled into passenger and crew meals.

You get my drift?:}

29th Dec 2005, 06:23
also known as a 'turd burgular':)

29th Dec 2005, 08:07
.. ah .. reminds me of a similar ferry years ago for AN on a 733 - no damage or MEL involved on that occasion - just a crewing/scheduling decision. Simply had to get the aircraft to MEL for a flight connection ... never mind that the bird sat in MEL for hours after we got there .. the wheels behind the scene were not always well-oiled.

However, the getting there was fun .. POB 2 ... him and me ... rarely out of the cloud tops while ducking and weaving and going like the clappers on the clacker the whole while .. with the company's blessing.

29th Dec 2005, 11:06

Most Dangerous Goods Manuals also have a reference to the recycled contents of the soup trolley, you will find it in the DGM index under "Crew Meals"

Ahab (being silly now) :D