View Full Version : I got my licence today.

30th Dec 2001, 09:18
I took my private helicopter checkride today, started at 9:00 and by 1:30 I had the certificate in my hands. Thanks for all the advice and help I have gotten on the forum. Next up is my commercial. <img src="cool.gif" border="0">

30th Dec 2001, 10:22
Congratulations ! Best of luck with your commercial.

md 600 driver
30th Dec 2001, 12:45
well done best luck for the future nice xmas prezzi

30th Dec 2001, 14:34
Well done, Now you really start to learn! may you have as many landings as take off's :)

30th Dec 2001, 19:44

30th Dec 2001, 21:45

Test at 9.00, and certificate by 1.30pm?
Yet another example of the difference between the FAA and CAA!

[ 30 December 2001: Message edited by: Heliport ]</p>

31st Dec 2001, 03:33
Yes, Well done. Be careful on your next few hours it's a steep curve for them.

The difference between FAA and CAA?

I started my GFT on 23 June, completed it on 29th June (2.2 hours flying) , finally got my licence on 25th July and was effectively grounded in between. Pathetic.

31st Dec 2001, 05:11
Well done & Congrat's. Just remember what you have is a licence to learn & become a safe professional aviator. The learning NEVER stops. <img src="cool.gif" border="0">

31st Dec 2001, 15:12

You think you had problems? Let me tell you about the saga of my CPL(H).

Passed Skills Test on Nov 6th. Nov 11th renewed my Class 1 medical; I'd got it a year earlier to make sure I could, before doing commercial ground exams, but been flying on a Class 2 to save money. Nov 12th sent everything to CAA. It said they needed a copy of a birth certificate, but NOT if you'd had a Class 1 medical at Gatwick. I'd had the initial Class 1 there, so I believed them. More fool me. Read on.

I phone the CAA the following week, and was told ten working days for issue of a CPL(H). A little over two weeks after sending it I get a letter from the CAA; they need my birth certificate. I phone them, say I had a Class 1 at Gatwick. When, they ask. Ah, too long ago, can't find records that far back (a year and a bit? <img src="confused.gif" border="0"> ), couldn't I just fax birth certificate to them? I have fax machine at home, so I do, to save hassle.

I phone about ten days later, to be told my licence is waiting to be completed. On querying, I get the imprssion it had gone back to the bottom of the pile after I sent birth certificate.

About a week later I get phone call from the CAA. The credit card I'd given them is now out of date; expired end of November; can I give them a new one. I give them details of same card, new one I'd received, with new expiry date in 2003. <img src="rolleyes.gif" border="0">

A few days later I phone CAA again. Each time I phone, of course, I go through the whole rigmarole of dealing with recorded messages, wait, get right dept, wait till someone's free etc. Don't like to think what it's costing in phone calls. Ah, says the guy, looks like it's ready to go, he wonder's why it's taken so long. I explain whole saga. OK, he says, he'll try and speed it up.

I phone 2 days later - a miracle - it's in the post!!!!

I finally receive it on 17th December!!!!!! <img src="smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="smile.gif" border="0">

I didn't have a job to go to which needed it, but if I had, I'd have been furious. <img src="mad.gif" border="0">

1st Jan 2002, 20:41
Thanks for the support guys. Maybe I should have been more specific, I got my TEMP. cert. at 1:30. The temp is good for 120 days, and from what I have heard the FAA will wait until you almost need a new temporary cert. Does the CAA not issue temporary certs?

1st Jan 2002, 21:59
The CAA do something sensible like that? No chance! It might mean people could go flying after they get licences instead of just getting frustrated and out of practice, and they couldn't have that.

1st Jan 2002, 22:10
Congrats to you! I bet you are happy!

One word of caution, your next flight, your first with apax, will be your most dangerous time ...

Remember to just fly safe, and you will have a blast! :)