View Full Version : Alpha1 launch Dec 14

14th Dec 2005, 02:59
Following the rather, er, emotive post that appeared and then disappeared very quickly earlier this week (wise moderation, methinks), supposedly from a captain at the leasing company associated with the launch, can I tentatively ask for someone to confirm if Alpha1 IOM-EDI is taking off this morning?

And no sarcastic jibes, let's not have this thread sent to the 'bash-Alpha1-bin' straightaway...



14th Dec 2005, 03:44
Apparently Manx Radio is reporting that flights will start with a 9 seater


14th Dec 2005, 06:05
Nothing on CFMU yet. Maybe they'll file their flight plans the very last minute... :rolleyes:

14th Dec 2005, 07:14
Supposed to be 08.15 this morning from egns but nothing on the airport web site so far.

Richard Taylor
14th Dec 2005, 08:16
Supposed to be in EDI 0900, but BAA EDI showing no arrival time yet when I looked.

14th Dec 2005, 08:29
Flight Support the A1 handlers at Ronaldwasy IOM confirmed that A1 didn't fly this morning. They didn't know if there would be any flights in the near future...

PPRuNe Pop
14th Dec 2005, 09:32
No surprise there then. This thread is closed and A1 is closed with it I expect. We have tried many times to keep the interest in this 'venture' but it is hopeless.

No more threads on this now please.