View Full Version : Getting a Medical with Sleep Apnea??

9th Dec 2005, 18:59
Is there any Commercial Pilots that have dealt with the FAA or AME regarding Sleep Apnea??And did you do anything before you disclosed it to help keep the Medical from getting pulled or to get it back soon??

Jetstream Rider
9th Dec 2005, 19:58
I knew a pilot who had Sleep Apnoea, lost his medical, then regained it and finally was medically retired. Unfortunately I cannot guarantee that was the cause and neither can I give you any details, so the limited help I can give you is that he did regain his medical at at least one point. I guess therefore that with Sleep Apnoea it depends on severity, cause and treatment. The CAA are very good if you give them a ring (no need to give your name, or just invent one!) and the document you can download form the CAA website about medical requirements (JAR FCL 3? Empty head at the moment) is also very good. Use the search function to save time. Best of luck, sorry I can't help more.

10th Dec 2005, 19:40

Suggest you review the following sites for more information:



"Pilots diagnosed with sleep apnea may be granted medical certification under the Special Issuance provisions of 14 CFR 67.401."

You must be treated and prove that treatment is working and that you tolerate it.

The good news is that there are a number of good treatments out there with CPAP being the standard of care. Huge improvments over the last few years make CPAP much easier and more effective.

Good luck.

11th Dec 2005, 07:12
Ib1..you need to be sure that you have a diagnosis of Sleep Apnoea. I am assuming that you have attended a Sleep Clinic and have had a specialist report on your sleep/breathing pattern. Only about 10% of people who snore have the clinical diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea.

If this is your diagnosis, it might be worthwhile waiting for a period of time, loose weight, cut out alcohol and any tranx and request a second session at the sleep clinic as well as a second specialist opinion.. then tackle the authority.

Nothing to loose.