View Full Version : Active Noise Reducing headsets

2nd Dec 2005, 20:01
Would be very interested to hear (excuse the pun) which airlines,if any, use ANR headsets as standard fit for their 757 fleets. :8

3rd Dec 2005, 06:59
DHL. sennheiser powered by the aircraft.


3rd Dec 2005, 12:48
Thanks Daysleeper,

Now is that because the aircraft were delivered with the mod already completed by BA, or was it done by DHL?
I find one or two of our older 75's extremely noisey on the flight deck and have found from previous experience on a different type, it is much less fatiguing to use ANR headset on a long sector - not something you have to worry too much about I'm sure. I also suffer from high tone deafness in one ear.

What I'm trying to ascertain is how many other airlines have gone through the, not inconsiderable, expense of fitting them as my own is very reluctant to.

Many thanks

3rd Dec 2005, 18:36
We started with battery powered ANR sets also by sennheiser. They were very good but its not very enviromentally friendly to be disposing of all those AA bats every month, and they would always run out just after take off on a "long" flight. So when they decided to issue headsets to each pilot (mainly for health reasons) , A/C powered ones were the way to go and very nice they are too.

The mod was done by DHL I don't know how expensive it was but lets face it it's aviation so it probably wasn't cheap. I'm not sure what the fit was with BA.

Hope that helps.

3rd Dec 2005, 18:51
Yes, the 757 is very noisy.

Daysleeper, do those Senheisers have a model no ?

3rd Dec 2005, 19:25
Yes, I'll post it in the morning as my daughter is sleeping right next to my flightcase.:rolleyes:

OK it says "noiseguard HMEC 25 - KAX - 1"

4th Dec 2005, 13:56
Tks ! May your hotels be quiet too :ok:

8th Dec 2005, 08:09
Just looked at the Sennheiser website and they have a model number HMEC 25-CAP. Does anyone know if this will work on a 320 flightdeck? It seems to get it's power from quote "28 VDC from aircraft via pin 5 of XLR". Does this mean all you have to do is plug it in? Anyone using this on the 320 ?

