View Full Version : instruction and examining PPL(H) students

2nd Nov 2001, 23:22
Can an instructor teach a student to fly and then carry out their test for them if the instructor also holds examiner status?
I didn't think they can but are there any exeptions from this rule, ie only allowed to instruct for so many hours with that student, and then do the test after the student has flown with another instructor for the majority of the time?

3rd Nov 2001, 07:31
Well many years ago I was instructed and examined by the same person for CAA PPL(H).

I know for Commercial there is a requirement to gain a sign off by one person and flight test from another.

But under JAA I have absolutely no idea. :) :)

3rd Nov 2001, 16:36
Since JAR FCL 2 came in there have been restrictions on examiners testing students they have instructed. Originally it just related to testing for licence issue and instrument rating tests (i.e. not type ratings). However, the latest amendment extend the prohibition to type ratings too.

Nothing is quite that simple though; there are many cases in the UK of examiners testing students they have instructed for type ratings and the CAA not objecting. In addition, I believe that the CAA did water down the prohibition so that an examiner could fly with student for "progress check flights" for the PPL(H) course.

The relevant text is buried in JAR-FCL 2.030 para d.