View Full Version : Depression

26th Nov 2005, 05:29
Got a friend who had mild depression after a family traumma a couple of years ago - no medication, just a couple of CBT sessions. Fool reported it at his medical. Was never suicidal, diagnosed 'dysthymic'. Now has to provde a (very expensive) psychiatist's report for every medical.. Has no on-going treatment - just the visit for the report. Will this be a requirement for ever?

Old Smokey
28th Nov 2005, 10:49
A totally medically and psychologically unqualified response here, I can only pass on observations from other colleagues with similar problems over the years.

Wheeler, your friend will have this requirement until such time as he/she spends a lot more of their hard earned money for a FULL psychological evaluation, and clearance with indication that any problem which may have existed was transitory, with no more probability of re-ocurrance than is the norm in the general population.

The first move will be up to him/her, the licencing authority and it's medical board will be happy to accept the established status quo of regular 'howgozits' for what they see as an existing or potential condition. It will be up to your friend to go the extra mile and extablish that this existing or potential condition no longer exists.

This general rule doesn't apply exclusively in the psychological field, it exists across the board in all areas of medical evaluation.


Old Smokey

7th Dec 2005, 09:41
I know a chap who suffers from mood swings and he's sometimes quite depressed. He hasn't told anyone for obvious reasons and I think he could do with some help. Trouble is, he's scared that anyone official, like his gp, will tell the powers that be. I wonder if there are any self-help groups or people who've had similar experiences he might talk to, or sympathetic professionals?

Forward Slip
12th Dec 2005, 21:06
Mood Swings;- St John's Wort

Job Done

Well it worked for me!!

Chitty's Leader
17th Dec 2005, 11:32
Hi there.

This is really a reponse to Forward Slip & meirionydd.

Totally unqualified advice coming up here, but I researched natural supplements for my mild anxiety/mood swings several years ago since I did not want to see an "official," as I didn't deem it serious enough and feared being branded in my Govt. job(I wasn't flying btw).
This advice worked wonderfully for me, so could work for your friend.

With regard to taking St. john's Wort, can I recommend it is tried as part of a tea. It is available in herbal food shops or on the internet.
Bear in mind that the 'over the counter' pills & tablets of St. John's Wort are usually produced with a standardised extract of hypericin, the active ingredient, without the other substances in the herb, ie. you're not getting the whole plant.
There remains the question whether it is this one ingredient that makes the remedy work, or the interaction of all the ingredients of the plant that work. Something to bear in mind. From my experience, I found no effect with the tablets, yet the tea made a noticable difference.
Maybe your friend would consider seeing a herbalist? Whatever he/she decides, ensure he/she speaks to his/her doctor and informs them of their intentions.

Also, maybe take a look at an amino acid "SAMe (S-adenoslmethionine)" - expensive, but effective for depression/anxiety.
Another amino acid "L-tryptophan" - similar to 5Htp, but works better for some.
"L-theanine" - can be very calming.
As with all amino acids, you should take them with a vitamin B complex to enhance absorption.

Hope this helps.

17th Dec 2005, 11:47
he's scared that anyone official, like his gp

GPs are bound by the normal confidentiality rules. So nobody is going to 'tell' Your mate would have to own up though at the next medical.

More importantly though is that everyone self certifies in effeect before they commit to flying. The 'I'm safe' acronym springs to mind.

Active component in St John's Wort is akin to Prozac and any of the other SSRI type antidepressants.

As humans we all have ups and downs, if you are properly depressed then you need professional help, not the best intentions of someone in a health shop.