View Full Version : Pilot who crashed helicopter fined $1200 (NZ)

6th Dec 2001, 10:20
Pilot who crashed helicopter attempting to lift four deer has fine of $1200 for poaching added to his losses. (NZ)

(unrelated to Urewera accident)

6 December 2001

A pilot who crashed his helicopter while attempting to lift four deer has had a fine of $1250 for poaching added to his losses.

In the Christchurch District Court today a pilot pleaded guilty to using a helicopter to illegally hunt and kill deer in the Mt Thomas Conservation Area in north-west Canterbury.

The area is reserved for recreational hunters, and to preserve the deer numbers commercial hunting by helicopter is banned.

The court was told a policeman saw Burtscher's helicopter out hunting in the conservation area several times last December.

The machine later got into difficulties while lifting four deer, and Burtscher was forced to call in another helicopter to rescue him.

His lawyer commented it had been a 'disastrous' day for the deer hunter.

6th Dec 2001, 11:13
Where was this article taken from?

7th Dec 2001, 06:37
Sadly, it seems nothing has changed back home. :mad:

7th Dec 2001, 14:34
Hey looks like the deer wars have returned :)

Gone are the days when kiwis used to be Hughes Helicopters best customer. Now it looks like we might be Frank's best customers. :D :D :D