View Full Version : 2nd interview postponed

18th Nov 2005, 04:48
Hey everyone I'm new to this forum,

I'm currently going through the cadet selection process and made it to stage 2 recently. My interview date is on the 7th of Dec but I just received a phone call this morning and they changed it to the 10th of Jan next year. They also said the class won't start til August!!! (assuming that I pass all the remaining stages). Thats exactly a whole year from when I applied!

I'm just wondering if there is anything special happening or is this normal? Is it because of the chicken flu? cause If I remember correctly (correct me if I'm wrong) back during the SARS outbreak two years ago, Cathay stopped hiring for around half a year or more. Is this the reason they might be delaying the process?

btw anyone on the same boat?

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!