View Full Version : Alpha 1 - delayed again?

Flying Fiona
16th Nov 2005, 08:14
No bookings being taken and no flights today.

I heard this morning at the daily briefing. Flybe has ruled out taking over the route.

Kalium Chloride
16th Nov 2005, 08:41
Booking site down for "routine maintenance" - pinch of salt optional.

Am I right in thinking this little upstart has been rattling Flybe a little? It seems to be taking a lot of trouble to highlight Alpha's problems, and even set up a false-redirection website. :suspect:

16th Nov 2005, 08:58
Thought there was a ban on Alpha1 on PPrune! While the thread is open ...for now apart from the above post whats the latest on this outfit?

No comment
16th Nov 2005, 10:06
"Am I right in thinking this little upstart has been rattling Flybe a little? It seems to be taking a lot of trouble to highlight Alpha's problems, and even set up a false-redirection website. "

My thoughts exactly Kalium!

Flying Fiona, the last post I read from you was about Flybe... perhaps in your daily briefing they just told you Alpha 1 had collapsed so you can all stop worrying about them?!!!


PPRuNe Pop
16th Nov 2005, 10:47
I think we will let this run for a while. However, please do not assume that you can mud sling and move off topic or the thread will be closed.

But..............as it has become more interesting we will see what happens.

Epsilon minus
16th Nov 2005, 11:27
pprune pop

Other than seeing the young chap on the national news this is the first I've heard of Alpha 1.
so PP P what has he done wrong then?

Interesting to note that when you dial the call centre number the O2 messaging service asks you to leave a message on 07921 789817. how strange.

16th Nov 2005, 12:09
Epsilon minus: Interesting to note that when you dial the call centre number the O2 messaging service asks you to leave a message on 07921 789817. how strange.This is no more strange than his various communication strategies over the months. Many announcements about the airline and its plans that one would normally expect to be made by press release have only appeared on obscure internet bulletin boards - and I don't count PPRuNe in that category.

It may all work out yet, but it has always been an odd way of going about this.

16th Nov 2005, 12:29
Does anyone know what/who's aircraft he is using?

16th Nov 2005, 12:40
Surely any "routine maintenance" would have been carried out before bookings were being taken?

16th Nov 2005, 13:16
It sort of shows the level of his intelligence doesn't it. He should have thought it through and announced his operation a month or two before getting off the ground instead of his stop-start attempts since March. He got the publicity but he used it badly and now has eggs all over his face.

No one will take him seriously now I suspect. Certainly Love Air who operate for him must be asking serious questions. I know the owner and he would have pulled the plug in an instant at the first sign all was getting iffy.

He should have kept his mouth shut at the beginning.

16th Nov 2005, 13:47
I understand that G-CCPW is being used, operated by Love Air, subleased through Euromanx who are leasing it from Keen leasing.

Thats just my understanding of the ownership/leasing situation, it may be more or less complicated.

Epsilon minus
16th Nov 2005, 13:54
No one will take him seriously now I suspect. Certainly Love Air who operate for him must be asking serious questions. I know the owner and he would have pulled the plug in an instant at the first sign all was getting iffy.

Could this be the cause of Alpha 1's problems then?

Also is there any relationship with the name of this airline and the chronich obstructive pulmonary disease and Alpha1 Proteinase Inhibitor?

16th Nov 2005, 16:44
No evidence over here that they have Collapsed! If they have then the IOM govt wont be very pleased!!

Maiden flight made to Ronaldsway on 7th November. Martin Halsted met the press and television crews for interviews.

Does anyone know whats really going on?? If there is any hard evidence to suggest that Alpha one has in fact collapsed, please let us all know..:*

We will see if operations start to and from the Isle of Man on Monday 21st..

From my information the Aircraft is leased from Woodgate Aviation!:rolleyes:



16th Nov 2005, 17:19
Try looking at their website. It has been closed since the weekend and, it seems, no-one can make any bookings. Its down for "routine maintenance" - for 5 days??? :D

16th Nov 2005, 17:47
I have never seen so much vindictive 'schadenfreude' (there's no English word for it, it means taking pleasure in other people's misfortune). Why don't you lot find something more productive to discuss and leave this enterprising young man to do more with the three years he has so far had of his adult life than most of us sad mortgage-slaves ever will.

It may be a long time since I was 21 but I'm pretty sure I recall being both immortal and invincible at that age. I certainly never had 'eggs all over my face', RTR.

Wish him luck and leave him alone.

I for one hope it works. There's room for him and us ('us' being Flybe).

16th Nov 2005, 17:58
No one hear is directly insulting him, its just he has looked rather silly by announcing the airline in March with one route, delaying its launch numerous times and changing the original business plan which got him all the media attention.

Its one thing running an airline, its another running a ticket agency.

And your quote, there's room for FlyBe and Alpha 1 how do you explain typing http://www.flyalphaone.com into your browser and being directed to FlyBe? Flybe are not going to sit round and allow competition to grow underneath their noses.

16th Nov 2005, 18:43
Luckily I am not a "Professional Pilot", just a very experienced amateur. If you are looking for job security, called London United. They offer job security for uniformed bus drivers. Sadly they can not provide the glamour you seem to crave.

16th Nov 2005, 18:46
I'd be careful about blaming flybe without proof - if flybe have purchased the domain then they are using a different domain name registrar. If they have - not only are they exposing themselves to legal action by A1 to reclaim the name but it would be an incredibly childish prank - I mean, it's hardly BA dirty tricks on VS now is it!

From samspade.org -

Server Used: [ whois.godaddy.com ]


Domains by Proxy Inc.
Registered through: GoDaddy.com
Domain servers in listed order:
For complete domain details go to:

Server Used: [ whois.enom.com ]

www.flybe.com = [ ]

Registration Service Provided By: Telewest Communications Networks Limited
Contact: [email protected]

Domain name: flybe.com
Registrant Contact:
Jersey European Airways [email protected]

Flybe. (British European)
Hangar 3
Exeter DEVON EX5 2BD
Administrative Contact:
Howard Back [email protected]

Fax: 013.92445978
Flybe. (British European)
Hangar 3
Exeter DEVON EX5 2BD
Technical Contact:
Howard Back [email protected]

Fax: 013.92445978
Flybe. (British European)
Hangar 3
Exeter DEVON EX5 2BD
Status: Locked
Name Servers:
Creation date: 22 Feb 2001 07: 03: 38
Expiration date: 22 Feb 2006 07: 03: 38
Whois-Services: [email protected]

Mr @ Spotty M
17th Nov 2005, 05:14
I have just read a newspaper report that they are now not starting until Dec 14th.
However first route is now EDI to IOM, SOU & CWL to IOM early next year.

17th Nov 2005, 07:03
And so it goes................on and on and on. There is nothing credible about this operation and how he thinks that his constant change of plans will help him I just don't know. Its certainly no way to run an airline.

17th Nov 2005, 07:35
fokker, most people on here seem to have bypassed the stage of life where you gain experience, make mistakes etc. A pity more didn't show your view.

Many youngsters keen on aviation will come on here and be put right off the industry.

17th Nov 2005, 08:03
To be fair, people are allowed their opinions and that is fine as long as they obide the forum rules.

This isnt a recruiting forum for young people into aviation, and people shouldnt come here looking for advice on how to run an airline!

I am in full support of this young fellow, except his continued launch plans and destination changes will put people off of him. The website and announcing the plans has nothing to do with an airline, its simple business. I wouldnt announce anything untill i had a website set into stone that was throughly tested and ready to handle bookings. It wouldn't be so bad if he had been announcing his routes since March, but this is why people are sick of it!

Travel Agent
17th Nov 2005, 08:04
There is a page up now stating the new website will be up in a matter of hours and a telephone number. I say good luck to everyone involved with Alpha One.

17th Nov 2005, 08:21
"Many youngsters keen on aviation will come on here and be put right off the industry." - eal401

I am afraid I couldn't disagree more. I am 20, and therefore in Martin Halstead terms I am a "youngster," and have been following the progress of alpha1 since April. He has changed plan so many times and broken so many promises that I am more concerned that he has discredited the future role of youngsters in the industry. That is nothing to do with people who rightly post here to pick up on these unnacceptable business practices, but due his own lamentable lack of organisiation.

I am surprised that, now we are permitted to discuss this again, nobody has yet mentioned his "impersonation" of himself earlier in the year, in which he allegedly posed on this website as an employee in order to squash (correct) rumours that there would be no alpha 1 in September. (Bear in mind that he had already missed launch dates in March, April and August.) He bet £100 to charity if it did not happen, and then September came and went. Next it was announced that flights would start on 7th November, and this was pushed back (if you exclude a single non revenue flight). Now the website is down yet again - but I doubt they have collapsed, I am sure he will live to break more deadlines.

I would have loved the original Oxford - Cambridge plan to work, and it is great to see "youngsters" in the industry. However, this is no way to run a business and it is damaging to his, and all young people's credibility.

17th Nov 2005, 09:32
With regards to Alpha One themselves, I'll hold off for now.

Could I just point out that the "Flybe" website in question has been set up by an affiliate and re-directed. If they are smart, they will close the affiliate's account, as it is a bit dirty, but you can't blame BE themselves for it.

17th Nov 2005, 10:04
I'm 20, and I wish him the best of luck! :ok:

Stop slagging him off. I dont see many other 19yr olds getting off there ar$es and making something happen.

I admit, he has made some mistakes, but at 19 do you think he's gona be a perfect business leader??

Here's some advice from Colin Pilinger, the father of the Beagle space programe;

"Nothing ever happens until someone gets off their arse and does something. That seems fairly obvious, but nothing ever does, and if it means having to kick a few doors off the hinges then that's what it takes".

17th Nov 2005, 10:27
Good post Rupert well addressed and to the point.

He was caught out with his self 'impersonation' and ridiculed for it. A daft thing to do.


I think you are missing the point. It takes a LOT of experience in knowing about running an airline BEFORE you can run one. What he has done was bound to bounce along until he hit some buffers. His PR was one of the worst, whiile his use of the press was good but he still found that he was running wild without any shoes on!

It takes an inordinate amount of cash to run even a small airline and it demands hours and hours of effort. He demonstrated on more than one occasion that he had little of the former then later stated he wanted to run and fly it. That has never worked yet and never will.

He has also has to learn the art of not letting people down yet he has done that in great abundance.

If it works I will be among the first to clap but he cannot go on like this. His credibility is damn near zero right now.

17th Nov 2005, 11:07
I dont see many other 19yr olds getting off there ar$es and making something happen.
And I don't see anything happening. All I see is a colleague of mine who lives in Reading and needed to go to the IOM for the day last week, on my advice asked for the flight through our travel agent, maybe even got booked, then it all fell through and he ended up going from Gatwick with BA.

17th Nov 2005, 11:35
To all those making the point that 'this is no way to run an airline' etc... He might be inexperienced but I'm fairly sure he knows that the last minute changes to the plan are not good for establishing credibility. He's therefore not making these changes for the hell of it.

He can only manage the resources he has, given the effects of external influences. All military men will tell you that no plan survives first contact with the enemy. Business is like that... especially businesses who need to get up and running with little contingency. Any bump will have a knock on effect so he needs to manage those changes. He is doing. Many would have thrown the towel in- his persistence is admirable.

The fact is that he's making a go of it. Live and let live. Go for it. Good luck, it's a cynical industry so you need it.

It's amazing there isn't an English word for schadenfreude as us Brits seem to masters of knocking anyone down attempting to better themselves. Perhaps we do have a word for it- 'envy'?

17th Nov 2005, 12:04
On the new website, 'we look forward to welcoming you onboard in the future weeks and months.'

No mention of years then. Maybe he's planning for a short term operation!

Sorry, thats just me being cynical.

17th Nov 2005, 12:05
This is very weird! Domain for sale! (alphaoneairways.com) makes you wonder - or is their just a simple answer. Its on the J31 but no point in using it!

Epsilon minus
17th Nov 2005, 12:10
Capt F
stated he wanted to run and fly it. That has never worked yet and never will.

Were Sir Adam Thompson still alive he would have taken issue with ths erroneous statement

PPRuNe Pop
17th Nov 2005, 12:11
I can let that go just as interest but please remember that any links to A1 is not allowed. Thanks.

17th Nov 2005, 12:33
MAY be not relevant, but looking at the IP registration above, I have come across "godaddy" recently when investigating an eBay Scam that a friend was suckered into.

I'll post more when I have looked into this matter further, just to say that godaddy seemed to be involved in the route bogus emails travelled:suspect:

17th Nov 2005, 12:47
David Wilding, you said....

I wouldnt announce anything untill i had a website set into stone that was throughly tested and ready to handle bookings

Changed your mind then?

Back in August 2004 you were more than happy to punt around a website for your Jump Airlines fantasy...:E

Apologies for the thread creep.... ;)

17th Nov 2005, 12:57
My contacts tell me that he was searching for someone to run his flight and no company wanted to be linked with his operation, and Love Air got cold feet. , even RM and BLK turned him down.

17th Nov 2005, 13:13
Ummm! Bit like I suggested yesterday. The dream may well be fading.

17th Nov 2005, 14:01
After having read about Alpha 1 since the start on pprune, I was sure that before anymore posts were banned on the subject previously that it was generally agreed that it was never going to happen anyway? The consensus was that it was nothing more than a publicity ride for the young lad and nothing more than a virtual airline in all ways.

This was apparent to all but the dwindling band of supporters(mostly Martin himself as pseudonyms!) and the odd spotter or wannabe who thought he might get a job with him decrying everybody for knocking the "new Richard Branson".

I have to admit i was surprised to read the thread saying that Alpha 1 had collapsed as I thought i may have been wrong before in believing that it would never get started, but it seems from reading the posts here that it hasn't actually begun.

Maybe a renaming of this thread to Alpha 1 hasn't actually began(again) might be apposite

Buster the Bear
17th Nov 2005, 14:10
New airline switches its maiden flight to Edinburgh

A TEENAGE entrepreneur dubbed "baby Branson" is launching his airline with flights from Scotland to the Isle of Man.

Martin Halstead, the 19-year-old behind Alpha One Airways, had planned to start operating next Monday, with flights from Southampton.

But he has scrapped that route in favour of twice-daily services to the island from Edinburgh, amid "overwhelming demand" for flights from the capital. The first flight will not now take place until 14 December due to delays in pilot training and setting up a booking system.

A spokeswoman for the airline said it had been overwhelmed by interest from potential passengers and had been forced to bring in a firm to help with bookings, which will open on Monday.

She said the first route had been changed because of far greater demand for the Edinburgh service. No bookings for the Southampton route have been taken and Alpha One plans to fly from there and Cardiff to the Isle of Man early next year.

17th Nov 2005, 14:42
According the fawning article in the DT (I'm Baby Branson....yuk) he was going to carry 75,000 passenger on SOU-IOM. Now this was always going to be a good trick on a J31 with 18 seats, twice a day, 5 days a week i.e 18 x 4 x 5 = 18,720, a load factor of some 400%!

But now, at 2 weeks notice, suddenly SOU's no good and EDI is it!? Wonder what load factor he's expecting on this 1000%?

Every twist & turn reduces his credibility.

Epsilon minus
17th Nov 2005, 14:58
BBC News latest (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/hampshire/4444760.stm)

Start up problems have not escaped the notice of the BBC. I wonder why he "gave up A levels to become a pilot"
Is there a judgement process failure here?
What advice did mum and dad give him in this regard?

17th Nov 2005, 19:02
I must admit I wouldn't trust that airline in the slightest to get me anywhere. I'm fairly confident that it won't be around by April. It would be fantastic for it to succeed but my gut instinct gives an overwhelming no. For that reason theres not a chance in hell I would book a flight on it. When airlines go tits up, you lose your money and if it should happen at the wrong time, your stranded. And for god's sake; being stranded in the Isle Of Man! They eat their own children for christs sake. :}

17th Nov 2005, 19:34
Jesus --- God ,Christ and hell in the same post.

17th Nov 2005, 22:50
Its not the poor boy's fault, he's just trying to copy the same managment practices as he seen at bmi...unfortunately he hasn't got the same amount of cash to waste.

17th Nov 2005, 23:17
Im a mil pilot and therefore have no idea about the running of any airline or load factors. However I do admire balls in anyone and this bloke has them so good for him, give the guy a break ffs hope it all works for him and if it does Ill apply for a job with him in a few years. If it doesnt I'm sure he ll take the lessons learnt and start something else but to slag him off is not needed. I hope and if Branson has anything to do with it I m sure he has he has got the right people in crew/engineers/ IT who will hold on through the rough times and see it through.

Hey there
18th Nov 2005, 01:12
The guy has ambition and wants to play in the airline game, for which nobody can fault him. Many ppruners would give their right arm to head up and airline so, on that score, fair play to the youngster.

I'm afraid that's where the praise stops. Probably through no fault of his own, other than being naieve about what it takes to set up an airline, he has found himself with a monster on his hands - high levels of self-inflicted publicity, non-delivery and therefore scepticism and ridicule.

Nobody would expect a 19 year old kid to know what is involved in getting an airline up and running (there is no "Observers Book of Setting Up Your Own Airline" or Ladybird "Making Airlines 1-2-3") so somebody/organisation must be behind him, assisting and pointing him in the "right" direction by advising on what needs to be done to get an airline up and running. There are no problems with the ideas and route plans (although I doubt a J31 has the necessary performance for a full load at SOU on a warm day) - properly structured, marketed and operated, IOM to EDI and SOU will work (and have worked before). The will to operate on these routes is fine and viable (the easy part of being an airline), doing it legally within the regulatory requirements is more complex and therefore unthinkable for a novice to direct on his own without major assistance from an established airline or experienced airline people.

Issues which delay start up dates don't just appear at the last minute unless they have overlooked them - if they have no crew, then that is bad planning. If they have no call centre, again bad planning. However, if "paperwork" or "approvals" have caused the delay, that is questionable advice from someone who should have known what is needed to get it running.

First, find a good consultant or ex-airline manager to provide the experience needed - there are many ex-airline old guys out there whould woul dlove to dabble in this. Then find a reputable airline willing to wet lease an aircraft and crew on a flight hour basis and look after all the operating issues. Paint the aircraft in your colours. Forget about AOC's, post holding positions, CAA approvals, recruitment, training etc. That's for the future. Call yourself a ticket provider and get a cheap web-only booking system. Give yourself at least a month's selling before your first flight but make sure that first flight happens and that everyone booking with you knows that it will. Get out of the limelight while plans are built and confirmed. Build confidence based on real deliverable plans, rather than just gaining publicity because you're a 19 year old with a dream. Good luck.

18th Nov 2005, 10:05
The comparison with Branson doesn't seem to work with me. Branson used someone else's model for an airline called British Atlantic but changed it to Virgin Atlantic as there were 'too many BA's.'

If anything, what Martin is trying to do is more ambitious start an airline from scratch but because there is no plan to follow like Branson had it seems a bit susceptible to change!

To be honest, I can't believe his financial backers are putting up with this constant change of business plan!

18th Nov 2005, 11:25
Perhaps he should go on the 'Dragons Den' BBC2????

I wonder if the entrepreneurs there would invest??

18th Nov 2005, 12:21
He is also trying to operate routes that others have dropped in a market which is unique, there is no where like the Isle of Man, wait till the locals and the polititions get the knives out over these launch delays.

Oshkosh George
18th Nov 2005, 12:39
(although I doubt a J31 has the necessary performance for a full load at SOU on a warm day)

Are you kidding?!?!? It could take off from my back yard!

Epsilon minus
18th Nov 2005, 12:40
Perhaps, as hey there, recommended, the project needs rescuing!
We can help. Mr Halstead; please feel free to pm me .

Preston Watson
18th Nov 2005, 12:46
Miserable old gits the lot of you. This is a typical British atitude, oh he has a shot of doing well, and making something of himself, well lets put that to a stop!

To the people concerned that are negative, have you at first hand experience ran a business? Most businesses have start up problems.

Shame on you all, this guy is really trying hard here to be a success so leave him alone. He is a pilot as well, and will probably end up flying in his own airline too. Why not I say!

I for one would gladly fly for him. :ok: :

18th Nov 2005, 13:09
Did he complete his training? I don't think he's fully qualified.

Lets hope it doesn't get too foggy because he might not be allowed to fly the plane.

Edit, seems the website is online. It looks rather nice in my opinion.

I just wish he'd stop this self proclamtion as the new Branson. Martin is cleary the designer of the website, he's had a lot of experience doing it in the past.

18th Nov 2005, 16:14
Last week it was Alpha One Airways (manx) ltd, now its One Aviation (Manx) Ltd. Strange no listing on Companies House but there is


Formed in Aug 2005?

Perhaps the lad's being steamrollered by the manx mafia?

18th Nov 2005, 18:35
seems the website is online. It looks rather nice in my opinion.
Every single link from the front page still "under construction" (including link to "new website launched").

Company name mis-spelt on front page.


18th Nov 2005, 21:40
I don't have much time for people who go around telling everybody what they're going to do. I prefer those who can tell you what they have accomplished. Tommorrow's promises will not pay for today's groceries.

So my advice to young Martin Halstead, get your aircraft airborne and then tell everyone about it (once you have decided on a route, that is!). Most passengers will want to wait and see that you can afford to fly the route empty before risking their hard earned cash on your startup. The ability to fly empty for three months, also known as 'building the route', should be covered by your startup fund. If you cannot afford to fly empty for at least three months, don't even bother going any further. The only time you don't need it is when you are taking over a mature route. The last time that happened was when Eastern went on the HUY-ABZ route, which was abandoned by KLM.

Starting an airline with no prior experience will prove extremely difficult and the public doesn't need (or want) a blow by blow account about every setback you suffer. You realised that the PA-31 is a non starter, soon you will realise that the J-31 is no different, just a 'J' instead of a 'PA'. These aircraft are all museum pieces. To provide low fares, you need a modern turboprop. The J31 isn't one, which is why you won't see £49 fares on Eastern !

Richard Branson wasn't 19 when he started Virgin Atlantic, so I guess you have a a few more years to learn this trade properly !


18th Nov 2005, 22:58
charterguy You beat me to the point! :* The phrase "the young Branson" and variations on it are a useful shot cut for the media to use. It allows them to have shorter headlines (spoken or printed) but does nothing to illuminate the story.

Halstead is not a new Branson and I say that not because I have any opinion about him or wish him to fail but because it is inaccurate.

Branson started his first business whilst at school and Halstead also did this. RB built his business (slowly and steadily) into a world-wide success and this meant that he travelled on many airlines around the globe. This meant that he saw that they were fat and lazy and that the market was ready for competition. Aged 34, he set about providing that competition and has succeeded.

It is well known that the airline world is just about the most difficult to get into and if Halstead had set up a twin turbo-prop single route and just started delivering, then he would be well on his way. Whilst one can learn about business on paper, it is only through delivering service to customers that you can learn about customer service!

"I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don't let anybody tell you any different." Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

Preston Watson
19th Nov 2005, 08:47
charterguy - quote - 'These aircraft are all museum pieces. To provide low fares, you need a modern turboprop. The J31 isn't one, which is why you won't see £49 fares on Eastern !'

But you will see it at Highland Airways! They operate 3 J31 and have fares starting from £35.....
Edited to remove link to commercial site.

quote 'I don't have much time for people who go around telling everybody what they're going to do.....'

You sound very arrogant, making a statement like that. Had it not occured to you that it is publicty, and it is free advertising? I've only heard about him by reading the paper, and may I say it was a very positive article about him. I've not read any negative publicity about it, so I'm surprised why you are so negative.

I wouldn't even know about the airline otherwise, so it has worked, and people know about a new airline which is soon starting up.

I'd be surprised if the route is empty since he has had so much publicity.

19th Nov 2005, 11:19
Branson started his first business whilst at school and Halstead also did this. It's also worth bearing in mind that Sir Richard was already a successful businessman with an established and widely-recognised brand (ie, the Virgin music business) before he so much as set foot in the airline business.

19th Nov 2005, 12:14
Preston Watson

I'd be surprised if the route is empty since he has had so much publicity.
That is exactly the problem. Nobody knows what this route will be, it seems to change every five minutes. Why would I book a ticket from EDI to IOM, only to find out three weeks later that the airline will now fly NCL-IOM, or maybe BLK-IOM, or maybe .....-....., .......-......, ........-...... (feel free to insert as many IATA codes as you can think of).

The point is that Halstead appears to know very little about this industry, and I have feeling that that goes for his financial backer too, otherwise he/she would invest the money into a brand new Fiat Punto instead :D :D :D


PPRuNe Pop
19th Nov 2005, 12:50
OK everyone this has had a run and we are going to close it.

The subject has stayed on track but it is now just fors and against, which is likely to get boring.

We'll see what happens.

No more threads about Alpha please. If we see them they will get deleted.

Thanks for your inputs, it has been interesting I must say.

Lessons will be learnt! ;)