View Full Version : CAA Winter Break

Big Hilly
15th Nov 2005, 07:14
A salutatory warning to all those needing ratings added or licenses renewed in a hurry over the Christmas Period. . . This from the CAA website:As part of its continuing business efficiency programme, the CAA has decided to introduce a ‘winter break’ period between Christmas and the New Year. For this winter, 2005/06, the winter break will result in the CAA’s offices at CAA House, Aviation House and those in the regions being closed for all normal operations between Monday 26 December 2005 and Monday 2 January 2006 inclusive. The break will enable us to make more resources available during the busier times of the year, and will enable some energy savings to be made by operating office heating and air conditioning systems at minimum levels during the period of the break.

To ensure that you are not inconvenienced by this decision the CAA’s individual business areas will be making appropriate arrangements for dealing with operational emergencies and any business that cannot be deferred until 3 January, during the shutdown period.
I would, however, question the logic of shutting down an entire government department at what is traditionally one of the busiest times of the year for the very industry that it is designed to support.

Let's just hope an airline doesn't go 'bust' on Boxing Day otherwise there'll be a few red-faces around. . . :O


15th Nov 2005, 07:46
Of course, by carefully wording it, the CAA don't mention that the break actually starts from close of business on the 23rd December. Therefore the closure will be for a minimum of 10 days.

no sponsor
15th Nov 2005, 08:57
Whoever wrote that should apply for a job at Millbank.

Global Pilot
15th Nov 2005, 09:28
Some people (including myself) log more hours on hold to the CAA, waiting to be connected to the next available person, than flying in a year:-)

15th Nov 2005, 13:14
" will enable some energy savings to be made by operating office heating and air conditioning systems at minimum levels during the period of the break. "

Uhuh - how much of a saving? They must be spending a HUGE amount on energy to make a break financially worthwhile...

15th Nov 2005, 13:43
'business efficiency' my *rse. I have been sending letters to FCL for almost 2 years now trying to clarify the status of an IR/licence renewal I flew in DECEMBER 2003.

They simply are not responding. How do you deal with that? I even sent a copy of all the correspondence to the Head of FCL in Nov 2004 asking what they thought of the lack of service I was getting. Guess what? No reply. Again. To be fair I received one brief email, and then a letter saying they couldn't proceed with my application because they haven't got the medical paperwork, which they have. They don't appear to realize they've sent me a licence, but no IR, even though I've sent them photocopies.

What doesn't help is that I'm expat Middle East and can't fire up a local MP to put a shot across someone's bows. My last letter (2 months ago) mentioned that I had missed out on Gulf Air's Sept recruitment and that the CAA were effectively preventing me from seeking employment. I also said that I was close to putting the matter in the hands of my solicitor (bluffing, haven't got one). And guess what, no reply to date.

You try finding the complaints department on their website. If any Ppruners know of any way I can redress this shower, please advise.

I hope all the plants in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon die. But I'm sure they've got that covered. They can feed their faces on their subsidised lunches surrounded by greenery after 10 days off whilst making the plebs wait outside. Angry? You bet. And I hope some of them read this.

You have the choice of the telephone automated merry-go-round (pricey from out here), or no response to mail. Not impressed.


16th Nov 2005, 07:43
Whose business, whose efficiency, who's the customer?

16th Nov 2005, 08:12
Isn't that why they are fondly referred to as the Campaign Against Aviators .. or Cash And Agro?

Luckilly, am limiting my dealings with them to IR and Licence renewals these days.


Mister Geezer
16th Nov 2005, 21:29
Come on guys this is easy... the boys and the girls at the Belgrano are trying to pull the wool over our eyes! It is simply a reason to have an extended Christmas break! So I take it when they mean 'energy savings' I presume that all CAA staff will have to sit at home with the lights and heating off - otherwise there is no 'energy saving'!!! :}

Now I wonder if my airline will postpone all flying over the festive season so that we can cut down on emissions??? :p

17th Nov 2005, 07:04
As part of its continuing business efficiency programme, the CAA has decided to introduce a ‘winter break’ period between Christmas and the New Year

I can not believe that they would think that anybody would actually believe this reason. It really does show the same sort of arrogance and lack of regard of the general publics intelligence that New Labour show.

Curtis E Carr
17th Nov 2005, 07:34
If the closure for a few weeks is being touted as an efficiency measure, surely it follows that a permanent closure would lead to even more efficiency.

Now there's a thought.

17th Nov 2005, 08:13
So if you have a decrepit dodgy old airliner come to the UK over the "christmas break" There wont be any CAA inspections to worry about.

Lower the Nose!
17th Nov 2005, 12:21
Monty77: have you tried your local British Embassy? A forwarding letter to the CAA with their headed notepaper might wake the useless buggers up, much as an MP's letter might.

Big Hilly
17th Nov 2005, 15:24

It matters not a jot that you have no MP - you're a British Citizen and are, therefore, entitled to write to Number 10 or even Aunty Liz at Buck House and ask for their assistance. A letter forwarded from either of those may even wake that bunch of clowns in 'The Belgrano' up!

Good luck either way!


17th Nov 2005, 15:58
Lower the Nose! - afraid most FO staff appear to be as good as CAA so no joy there.

Lou Scannon
17th Nov 2005, 16:10
Cue for a song perhaps?

"On the tenth day of Christmas my true love sent to me

One ignored letter
Two ringing telephones
Three delayed licences
Four cancelled medicals
Five unanswered queries
Six unchecked carriers
Seven .....

Please complete at your leisure, especially if you have more Ben Elton in you than me!

It would seem that the Senior CAA managers have hit on the ideal way to make the Belgrano staff the laughing stock of the entire world aviation community over the festive season.

17th Nov 2005, 16:27
Most businesses do this.. Why the stress? I guess most people here work in the 24/7 air transport world though.

In the less interesting corporate world many of us have to take compulsory leave over Xmas..

Banzai Eagle
17th Nov 2005, 16:42
Wonder if the guys n girls at the Belgrano have to take annual leave to be off or are just given the time off as a freebie...

19th Nov 2005, 08:01
quote:Currently complaints are handled through the CAA section relevant to the complaint.....

Current points of contactHey, there isn't one for ATC. Obviously there can never be anything to complain about!

19th Nov 2005, 08:23
Wonder if the guys n girls at the Belgrano have to take annual leave to be off or are just given the time off as a freebie...

Comes out of their leave.

Some of us in the public service use those three quiet days to shift a lot of work, so I'm dubious about the efficiency claim as well.

19th Nov 2005, 10:14
It does save a hella lot of money winding down a building for an extended period.

I have seen the figures for a building of similar size and its lots of naughts.

It was only done once though. As said by the previous person there was unknown to the managers who gernerally wern't in at the time a serious amount of work done in that period.

A combination of the managers not being in and those that were not hitting the numbers to create meetings. Mean't that any back log was cleared over the holiday period. Also any long term low priority projects used to get a fair wack taken out of them or competed.

The reason why the CAA have decided to take those 3 days could be it gives them a chance to do some heavy IT maintence. 3 days with no users and being allowed to rip the ceilings out with no bitchs from hell moaning because the wires are out and there is no work ordered for thier deptment. Servers can be dropped and reconfigured upgraded without cutting into up time performance targets.

Its only an idea but proberly not true as its to sensible.

Jan is going to be hell though if you need anything done quickly.
The board in the FCL front desk was full by 9am last time i was in. You will have to get there pretty early if thats going to be an option.


19th Nov 2005, 14:20
It's reassuring to know that the CAA are saving our money.

Will fees be reduced from 2nd Jan. 2006?

Thought not. :rolleyes:

Vastly expensive. Vastly inefficient.

Big Brother is alive and well......it isn't robbing you of your liberty, though, it's robbing you of your cash! :mad: :mad: :mad: