View Full Version : Giving Blood

Professor Plum
13th Nov 2005, 12:16
Hi all,

In the past I have given blood, however, as I have been doing a lot more flying in recent years, I havent given blood, as there would be obvious flight safety implacations if I went flying shortly afterwards!

I'd like to begin giving blood again (you never know, I may be in need of a transfusion someday), but does anyone know how long you should wait after giving blood before it's safe to fly again?

I cant seem to find an answer.

Thanks in advance!

DX Wombat
13th Nov 2005, 13:50
I think you will find it is 24 hours. :ok:

PPRuNe Radar
13th Nov 2005, 14:11
In the UK, the CAA offer the following advice (as correctly mentioned by DX) in AIC 97/2004:


1 Many aircrew and controllers have expressed the wish to donate blood in support of the National Blood Transfusion Service.Blood donation is invariably a safe, painless and uneventful procedure and the blood volume is restored within a few hours by redistribution of body fluids and intake of soft drinks and beverages. A few individuals feel faint afterwards but this effect is minimised by resting supine for a short time (15-20 minutes). Donations are not taken from those found to be anaemic.

2 Blood and Plasma Donation

2.1 Aircrew

2.1.1 Aircrew are advised that in order to prevent the very slight risk of post-transfusion faintness or syncope they should refrain from donating blood or plasma if they are required to fly within twenty four hours.

2.2 Air Traffic Controllers

2.2.1 Air Traffic Controllers are advised to avoid donating blood if they are going on operational duties within a minimum of twelve hours. They can, however, give blood when coming off shift.

3 Bone Marrow Donation

3.1 After bone marrow donation which involves a general anaesthetic, the minimum interval recommended before duty for both aircrew and controllers is forty eight hours. However, the individual response to this procedure varies and specialist medical opinion should thus be sought.

Professor Plum
13th Nov 2005, 15:03
Many Thanks for the replies!

Just the info I was looking for.
