View Full Version : Erbs Palsy help

30th Oct 2005, 17:57
Hello. I am currently training for my private pilot license and hope to solo by my 16th birthday on December second.

I have Erb's Palsy. It is essentially, Erbs palsy just limits the range of mobility in my right arm ( can raise my arm 90 degrees to the front and 50 degrees to side ) so when I cant stretch my arm beyond the above range, I use my left arm to compensate...

I needed to get my medical done to satisfy FAA's requirements for solo'ing and when I went to the medical examiner, she told me that the FAA representative would contact me regarding the course of action. The guy at the FAA sent me a letter requesting me to send him my medical history/records, range of motion in the right arm ,etc ...

I have 30 hours of flying under my belt and my instructor thinks that I am capable of getting my license....

My question is, what do you think are my chances for getting a favourable reply/analysis?


Loose rivets
31st Oct 2005, 03:58
I can't comment on specifics, but I have seen programs about folk with severe disabilities flying in the US.

Work hard at keeping strong within your range of movement.

Good luck.

3rd Nov 2005, 18:55
If I remember correctly there is currently a female one armed FAA ATPL flying some big bus so think you stand a good chance.

Speak to the FAA and they will give guidance on how to go about it (you will likely have to do the flight test with an FAA examiner)

5th Nov 2005, 03:51
There was a recent article in AOPA PILOT magazine that mentioned it.

7th Nov 2005, 21:03
thanks for ur replies guys :D appreciate it..

Do you remember what issue of the aopa pilot magazine was`it mentioned in?

The latest issue talks about getting your medical done,etc and lists the sickness and conditions but it does not contain Erbs palsy...