View Full Version : Pilot supply shop in dubai...?

24th Oct 2005, 11:27
Would a dedicated pilot shop survive in the emirates, considering the current growth the local airlines are experiencing?

I remember there used to be one in dubai around 10 years ago.


24th Oct 2005, 11:31
There used to be one at Scarlett's. Don't know where it is now!

Cyclone is a good fallback if you can't find what you need at the right price anywhere else.

Bear 555
24th Oct 2005, 12:40
I recall finding one tucked away in the back streets of Jeddah a few years ago. Very small stock and not very cheap either.

Still, I was impressed anyway....

24th Oct 2005, 14:27
No I dont think it would work.

Pilot supply shops usually cater to the student pilot or private weekend flier. Pilots flying for airlines dont usually need the stuff they sell in such shops. Charts, books, leather jackets and such.

Dont think it will fly. Sorry.

25th Oct 2005, 00:20
You're right. Not the kind of business I would put any money, at DXB or AUH, for that matter.

Desert Whine
25th Oct 2005, 06:21
I can think of an airline in Dubai that would love you to open a "Pilot-Supply" shop...

Farty Flaps
25th Oct 2005, 17:44
Would this pilot shop stock DEC pilots. I hear Ek might e in the market for a few:p

26th Oct 2005, 11:52
thanks...but dont the mighty airline pilots shop at these places as well??

there ARE 2 flight schools in uae and 1 aero club who stock the absolute minimum equipment (but essential)...so GA is not completely dead in this area. most GCC have their token flying school/club. I wonder where those wannabe pilot get their little toys. Wouldn't dubai serve as a central pilot-supply location??

anyway, just a thought.


Seaton Approach
26th Oct 2005, 13:15
A hefty stock of bibs and nappies would go down well!

Aaawww, c'mon guys, just a bit of healthy aircrew / ops banter.....:}

26th Oct 2005, 14:35

nice one, maybe pacifiers too

27th Oct 2005, 07:21

Dont want to sound condesending, like your referal to the mighty airline pilot. But, no, I dont think airline pilots need much of the same stuff that student pilots buy in aero shops. Never heard anyone asking for one.... but if you think its a great thing, dont let me rain on your parade, go ahead and open one.

Desert Whine
27th Oct 2005, 07:43
Moustang V8 is a balanced guy... chip on BOTH shoulders...etc etc.... you've heard it all before. Sounds like someone wannabe a pilot!

But since he's deigned to come here seeking our help, much as it irks him:

You should know EK pilots are issued with all of the finest of uniform apparel thay could wish for. Trousers and jacket made from quality imported wool-cashmere and shirts from a nice thick cotton blend.

Why would we buy yours?

We don't need whizz wheels, we got fancy kit in the machine which does all the thinking for us. Leaves us more time for the sudoko.

Headsets, charts, yokes, crew mugs... the company supplies us with all that stuff.

Leather jackets, on the other hand, would probably go down a treat around here. You're on a winner!

Maybe if you sell beer in your pilots' shop you would get a few blow-ins. Nothing like a beer and a bacon butty after a night-turnaround to Islammerbad.

I guess you work in Ops. Have you considered opening an OpShop?

Or maybe a Cabbie's Shop. Some of those cabbies smell like they could use a clean shirt.

Seamen Stains, are you talking about the blinking-light ear-piece you see all the locals wandering around with permanently stuck in the side of their head???

27th Oct 2005, 11:26
no chip on any shoulder, just wanted some opinions...looks like a got'em, PLUS Ek's laundry list...

hey whine, im already a pilot, i got my own cotton blah blah blah blah white shirt too...

u forgot to mention your undies, do they have little, little ek A330's printed all over them?? aahhhh. have fun with your mugs.


27th Oct 2005, 11:34
I use a Plantronics Starset (http://www.phoneheadsets.com/product_details-h31-Tele-Plantronics_H31___StarSet_Eartip_Phone_Headsets.html) , had it for about 12 years, couldn't live without it available here (http://www.phoneheadsets.com/)
On my one there is a little amplifier box, don't kow if you will need one or not, then all you need is a Bus or Boing plug fitted by a friendly engineer

1st Nov 2005, 19:13
Well - for the standard pilot supply shop there might not be much use around.

On the other hand - a shop for all the goodies might be a totally different idea...
I discovered some really nice ones in the states - selling all sort of interesting things - like beach towels printed like a runway, kids t-shirts with airplanes, mugs, watches, interresting books ... just short - mainly "presents" for pilots - rather than supply...

(loved the one in Sebring, FL! Great little airport too...)
:) :ok: