View Full Version : HEATHROW

16th Jul 2000, 13:30
Been into Heathrow lately?
What a pain in the butt!
For a start they only let in two helicopter movements an hour and you can get messed around like you can't believe.
Seems helicopters with thier flexibility are far too much trouble for ATC, "hold outside the zone, now hold at Sunbury loch, now hold south of Bedfont, after the 737 land on 97".
What are they on?
Other parts of the world at international airports are great, as soon as they no you are a helicopter, don't need the active runway, can stay low level'"cleared into the zone, stay south of the runway and land", what could be easier, saves them alot of R/T time and you gallons of fuel.
As for taking off again,Here we go again, Taxi to the hold, line up behind all the Jet jockeys, could take 15 minutes or more, line up on the runway etc.
Good job they don't go to Silverstone they would end up on a nut ward!

piston broke
16th Jul 2000, 15:35
As it happens I believe some of the Silverstone GP controllers are indeed Heathrow folk...

16th Jul 2000, 21:14
Yes I know, thats the reason for the last line!