View Full Version : Job in Canada for European!

7th Jul 2000, 00:50
Hi there!

I got my CPL last october in Toronto.I was looking for a job two months ago in Alberta and BC ,and everybody told me to get a permanent resident visa first.My question is.
Are tehre some Europeans that worked in Canada as Helicopter pilots who can give some advicements how to aply for a permanent resident visa for Canada?

Thank's in advance


9th Jul 2000, 13:32
this will be a lesson in keeping a long story short.
I worked in Canada over 20 years ago on a temporary work permit only because I did some training with that company.
The company went bust and that was the end of the work permit.
I went all over Canada looking for another job but came up with the same problem, no work permit ,no job.
I camped on on waiting room floor of the immigration office in Toronto for two weeks and was eventually told ,off the record that because I was a "round eyed white skin person" I did not stand a chance so packed my bags and went home.
For a resident permit you have to apply in your own country but basically you have to convince them that you have a skill that no Canadian who is on the dole can do,Helicopter pilot, good luck!

11th Jul 2000, 22:48
Hi Flyerh!

Thank's for your answear.I will try it in Viena at the Canadian embasy probably things have changed over the years(I hope so).
Thank's again.
By the way are you still flying?

12th Jul 2000, 17:53
I have just gone through the process to work in Canada. You must emigrate from outside Canada and it is on a point system. 60 points to apply and 70 points to get in. The route is via the Skilled Worker route and your job (pilot) must be on a list. Get hold on the Canadian high commission Web site in your country. It took about a year to get through the red tape. Good luck.

14th Jul 2000, 20:02
Thank's !

I have 58 points ,I hope it will work.