View Full Version : Strike threat at Bell Helicopter

Cyclic Hotline
23rd May 2000, 10:30
Auto workers' union gets strike authorization vote

(Fort Worth-AP) -- United Auto Workers members at Bell Helicopter Textron have authorized a strike if negotiations for a new contract stagnate.

Bell the V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor plane and a variety of military and civilian helicopters.

U-A-W members at Bell voted overwhelmingly yesterday to authorize a strike if a new deal isn't reached within three weeks. The current three-year contract expires June eleventh.

Some U-A-W members tell the Fort Worth Star-Telegram that the union's relationship with management has been deteriorating lately.

The slide started when Bell decided to assemble the Osprey in Amarillo, instead of at the Fort Worth plant that's been Bell's flagship since 1950. They say it further deteriorated when workers at the Amarillo plant rejected organizing with a union.

Contract negotiations began several weeks ago.

24th May 2000, 03:58
Perhaps, in between discussing strikes, they could spend more time building things. That way their main rotor heads might not fall apart in flight. Thanks a bunch chaps.

Another day in paradise