View Full Version : Shawn Coyle appointed Agusta Aerospace Corp Chief of Flight Operations

27th Sep 2005, 06:44
Pess Relase Shawn Coyle appointed Agusta Aerospace Corp Chief of Flight Operations

Agusta Aerospace Corporation, the US subsidiary of AgustaWestland is pleased to announce that Shawn Coyle has recently been appointed to the position of Chief of Flight Operations in Philadelphia.
Shawn’s background includes over 25 years in helicopter flight testing, many years of teaching helicopter flight testing to civil and military test pilots and flight test engineers from around the world, and 5 years as a certification test pilot with Transport Canada.
He also taught at the US Navel Test Pilot School and National Test Pilot School and flown more than 40 different types of helicopters.
Many congratulations Shawn - I appreciate your technical expertise on pprune, and hope you find time to keep an eye on things :ok:

27th Sep 2005, 13:40
Congratulations Shawn!

27th Sep 2005, 14:07
As quoted by b.borg:Agusta Aerospace Corporation, the US subsidiary of AgustaWestland is pleased to announce that Shawn Coyle has recently been appointed to the position of Chief of Flight Operations in Philadelphia.
Shawn’s background includes over 25 years in helicopter flight testing, many years of teaching helicopter flight testing to civil and military test pilots and flight test engineers from around the world, and 5 years as a certification test pilot with Transport Canada.
He also taught at the US Navel Test Pilot School and National Test Pilot School and flown more than 40 different types of helicopters.Navel Test Pilot School? I understand that Shawn contemplated that position for quite some time before accepting.

27th Sep 2005, 14:12
US Navel Test Pilot School

Was he in charge of "Navel Fluff Removal"!!

Kidding aside---Congratulations

B Sousa
27th Sep 2005, 15:11
Good One Shawn....Beautiful downtown Mojave will miss ya........

27th Sep 2005, 19:28
Maybe now that he's in charge it will actually be possible to have an aircraft there for customer training.

I was there last week for Agusta Power initial training and I came back home without a single minute of training, the only aircraft they had (and not for long I heard) was booked, and asking for flight training was considered Taboo, I also heard the only Koala they had for training was going to be sold soon also. Most people that fly Agustas around here consider the lack of adequate flight training their biggest drawback, hope it changes now that they have such an experienced aviator on board.

Good luck to Shawn Coyle in his new endeavor, and in getting training aircraft.

27th Sep 2005, 20:09
Congratulations Shawn. :ok:
An exciting new challenge for you.


27th Sep 2005, 21:40
Bells guys going to Agusta , Sikorsky guys to Gulfstream ...... the sky is falling. What next ... Harbin to buy Eurocopter. Best of luck in your new position.

28th Sep 2005, 02:09
Well done Shawn and I hope you enjoy your new position.

28th Sep 2005, 02:33

It has been perhaps 20 years since we met in that office at USNTPS, and a fine two decades, eh? You are a fine aviator, a crackerjack engineer and a worthy opponant for Sikorsky's finest. Clear skies and tail winds, my friend!

Congratulations, and best of luck to you!

Nick Lappos

Genghis the Engineer
28th Sep 2005, 06:20
Jolly well done Shawn,

An inspired posting on their part, and no doubt a great career move for you. I'm sure that you'll make sure it goes well.



Thomas coupling
28th Sep 2005, 10:44
Congrats Shawn - -more power to the UK element!
[Joke Nick, joke].

28th Sep 2005, 10:58
Congratulations, Shawn.


Shawn Coyle
29th Sep 2005, 13:07
Ppruner Rotorheads
Thanks for all the kind words. As I'm sure Nick will agree - the job is going to be much more administrative and political than technical. But I'm looking forward to it!
And having aircraft for training is one of my objectives....
As well as getting the PR people to learn to spell.

30th Sep 2005, 07:40
Mama Mia! That will be a chore. The job will sure beat flogging around Mojave in the dark I bet and almost as hazardous....serious injuries those paper cuts.

Good on yer Shawn!

glyn thrash
30th Sep 2005, 09:47
Congrats Shawn,, !!! Best of luck in the new venture!!

30th Sep 2005, 21:30
Congrats Shawn, hope the move serves you well. Admiration and respect... :ok:
