View Full Version : More tests by cardiologist

24th Sep 2005, 17:11
I had my class 1 medical on the 23rd August and after some delay i got a letter from the CAA saying that I needed to submit some more test on my heart according to the letter there was a "marked sinus arrhythmia with supra ventricular escape and large voltage complexes"

Now I’m only 17 and thought a problem with my heart couldn’t be good so I got an appointment with the Dr who explained that the bad results could be caused by the fact that I’m fit and healthy or I have a large heart or something along those lines.

I have an appointment on Monday at the hospital for more tests mainly an echocardiogram.

Has this happened to anybody else if so can they give me a little more detail, whether it’s just the CAA covering their own backsides or the polite way of saying you can’t get your class 1

Regards the DR

24th Sep 2005, 18:58
DrRedHead. The first thing to do is not to worry. Easy to say, I know. I have recently had a little scare along similar lines (sinus arrythmia and partial right bundle branch blockage) this diagnosis based on a recent ecg. I informed the CAA who promptly suspended my class 1 pending further tests. These were to be echocardiogram, stress (exercise) ecg, normal ecg and a couple of others I think. I saw the cardiologist who in the end only did the ecg and stress ecg, found nothing wrong and I got my class 1 back unrestricted.

I suppose there is a bit of backside tin-plating on their part, but I couldn't have found the medical branch more helpful or sympathetic. I firmly believe that they do want to issue medicals, and given your age and fitness this will hopefully not be a problem. If there was no chance of getting a medical I'm sure they would say something before sending you for the tests. Think positively, and if there is the slightest chance that something is uncovered it will have been found sooner rather than later which can only be a good thing!

Best of luck on Monday, let us know how you get on

25th Sep 2005, 07:46
Our local AME told Shane Byrne (MotoGP rider) that his heart rate was too slow and should be looked at!!!