View Full Version : similar vein to "remain seated" - hand luggage

23rd Sep 2005, 13:01
Reading the thread about passengers not remaining seated got me thinking about another pet peeve of mine- the things people try to pass off as hand luggage.

I was recently on a London-New York flight and there was man a couple of rows ahead of me whose hand luggage was a rucksack and one of the really big karrimor ones! It practically filled a luggage bin on its own.

I am not cabin crew but i was just wondering for those of you that are, whats the worst case of hand luggage taking the pi$$ that you have seen?

Cheers all :ok:

23rd Sep 2005, 17:24
American Passengers travelling from Amsterdam to Venice get my vote...... The size of their carry ons are just so rediculous..... Then they have the cheek to moan and say you could have got a bigger a/c on this route :* :* :* :*

23rd Sep 2005, 23:07
I used to hate pax who insisted on carrying everything bar the kitchen sink in the cabin and expecting the crew put it away for them and yes, the bags were heavy of course.

On a SIN-LHR on SQ a couple of years ago, I had a wheelie bag and being excrew, I knew it would be rude of me to expect the crew to find space for it, so I did it myself. A guy walked on with 2wheelie bags with his girlfriend and guess who put both bags up???

When I was with BA, I had to put a bag in the overhead locker so asked a colleague to assist me, the pax said "it's not that heavy" - obviously never heard of occupational health and safety! I wasn't going to break my back for anyone, no way.

24th Sep 2005, 00:34
If it's too big or too heavy for the passenger then why should they expect the crew to lift it!!.

If they can't then it goes in the hold.It's a safety issue,if we have severe weather or a decompression these bags go flying round the cabin.

You pack it you stack it!!.


24th Sep 2005, 13:50
yip EasyJet take note!! Since their stupid relaxation of the hand luggage rule ridiculous amounts of hold luggage comes on board dispite the crew off loading and delaying the flight because of it. Why dont they understand that a suitcase traveling at speed is going to do more than bump you on the head?

24th Sep 2005, 15:01
Kingston flights with BA from Gatwick and those to Lagos from Heathrow are the worst I've come across. The amount of luggage these people try to take onboard is crazy.

I remember one time I was doing a Kingston flight and a woman came on with three large pieces of hand-luggage. All were a struggle even for me to lift (and I'm a big fella!). I questioned this with the CSD (cabin manager) who told me that she had paid extra to take the bags onboard...... I still don't entirely understand what happened that day. :(

Ckin Gal
25th Sep 2005, 08:56
the amount of baggage people try to carry on is amazing from both a ckin and load control point of view.(our load control is done form the gate.) We see people with 15kg bags that say "they let us bring it over in the cabin"
my colleague when flying to america had a small camera case and was told he'd have to put it in the hold as there was no overhead space. he was quite angry as he put "all the little houses were ok to bring on!"
we have a policy also that says if you can't carry it, it goes in the hold for those lovely people who think gate staff are there purely to carry their belongings up the stairs for them.

and now.........back to work! :D

26th Sep 2005, 11:36
Usually when I'm travelling, unless I'm in a mad rush at the other end, the last thing I want to do is cart heavy bags around with me and then struggle to find space for them in the lockers or even worse have them under the seat where my feet should be! I can't understand the mentality of some people...

26th Sep 2005, 15:43
I find the following phrases work miracles in getting pax to check stupid bags in.

1.) What is in there that you can't be without for X hours?

2.) If that landed on your head, it wouldn't just hurt you, it would kill you.

3.) Well just take the laptop then and check the other bag in!

The stupidest pax I ever had was a woman with 9(!)bags, a baby and a buggy at the gate. When I refused to carry her bags or guarantee the arrival of her buggy at the gate at her destination she threw a paddy more befitting her child than her! Pathetic.

28th Sep 2005, 03:10
At my previous airline, a petite colleague had a good line for pax who asked her to stow their luggage in the overhead locker: "Sir/Madam, if it's too heavy for you, it's too heavy for me." It works well.

My personal pet hate is those rigid framed suitpacks that are as big and as heavy as suitcases. They shouldn't be allowed on any aircraft as cabin luggage.

28th Sep 2005, 03:31
How's this? :p

(Some seen by me and some brought to me at check-in)

Potted palm tree

'office on wheels'

boogie board (yeah mate, that'll fit in the bin on a Dash 8/F50) :rolleyes:


A cello

Prams (somehow I don't think you'll need the pram on the plane, ma'am :p)

I swear laptop bags are getting bigger by the week. A month or two ago this one guy had a bag that was bigger than the one i took to Sydney for 5 days - and it was "just my stuff to work on the plane".

I know some bags are "cabin luggage approved" but some of the manufacturers seriously haven't looked at the cabin. Or they need a "on 737s and larger" disclaimer! :}

When I'm flying, I never expect a CC to lift my bags for me (not that they're ever too heavy, but they're not there to be my slave... they're there to bring me drinks.... okay also for safety but you know what I mean... they're not bag chuckers.. that's for the guys on the ramp!! :p

Have always wondered though, with the world going nuts about security, why people can still bring those big golf umbrellas with the spike on the end into the cabin... surely you're going to do way more with that than with nail scissors?? :confused:

28th Sep 2005, 15:59
My attitude to this is- if i can't even lift the freaking bag or its an odd shape (thinking of those 'souveniers' they like to bring home) or it's totally giant, then it ain't going in the locker. On one of our routes, the pax have like 5 bags each-it's a joke! Whatever happened to the 1 piece of hand luggage rule?