View Full Version : Anyone know a contact at Bonds

16th Nov 2001, 21:26
Could somebody tell me if Bonds are recruiting for Aberdeen, if so could you point me in the right direction to send in my CV, i.e. what address.

16th Nov 2001, 22:39

As far as I know they aren't. (I know a lot of people who would be applying if they were!!)

They do have an office at Staverton I believe, will try and get some details for you.

Here you go:

Bond Air Services
Gloucestershire Airport Staverton, Cheltenham Tel (01452) 856007
FAX, (01452) 856595

[ 16 November 2001: Message edited by: skidtoob ]

17th Nov 2001, 00:47
Thanks skidtoob
Another question while i'm here, is there any company out there at the moment that is actively recruiting CPL level pilots with a little less than a thousand hrs.

Letsby Avenue
17th Nov 2001, 03:23
Bond are no longer in the North sea business, you need to send a CV to CHC-Scotia. Bristows have just taken on a PPL friend of mine, sent him to the States for hours and CPL then on to the rigs. I would suggest you give Bristows a call at Redhill.

17th Nov 2001, 07:34
Spoke to Bristows at Redhill last week and they have no openings for pilots currently. Nor did they have any knowledge of the partial sponsorship that was mentioned on here a couple of months ago... :(

17th Nov 2001, 13:13
Thanks for the info, i do know Bristows are not recruiting at the moment as they told me they have their full quota for now. However i'm sure i saw a thread on here recently that said Bonds were opening up their operations to the North Sea again.

17th Nov 2001, 23:59
It is indeed alleged that Bond are going to return to Aberdeen.

They have an office at Staverton (see previous post) and also, I have now discovered, an office in Aberdeen. (Have tried to find details, with no luck!)

It is also rumoured that they are currently in negotiations with the oil companies, re: contracts.

Among the troops, it seems there is no doubt that Bond will be returning to Aberdeen.

Thomas coupling
18th Nov 2001, 00:30
The man to write to is Phil Rugg chief pilot based at the staverton branch. They have just moved from Aberdeen to Staverton. They are looking to get back into the rigs run currently because their mandate to remain out of the rig business has lapsed. But their core business remains on shore emergency services. Hence the 15 x SPIFR 135's.

Good luck with your application.
