View Full Version : A Couple Question!

16th Sep 2005, 21:32
Hi every one, im new to this site! i just had a couple questions! i first one say that i 19 and have been thinking of going to the Canadian Air Force, but i am diabetic Insulin Dependent!
I remember my nurse telling me with me being diabetic i can go scuba diving, nor could i drive a plane! Most of you are prabably older but ill ask any ways, did any of you go to the army befor going to some school for pilot? where did u start off? and with me being diabetic does that mean i could not become a pilot?
or would the Air Force accept me even tho i diabtic? any information thats provided is much appriciated!


Old Smokey
24th Sep 2005, 07:40
I'm sorry to spoil your day Peter, but being an insulin dependant diabetic disqualifies you from flying. I'm sure that you can appreciate that this is not vindictiveness on 'the authorities' part, as you will be well aware of your loss of function if experiencing a 'hypo'. A quick glucose 'fix' may not be available in flight, and even if it was, could you attend to it during the course of urgent operational procedures?

Non insulin dependant diabetes sufferers can qualify for a flying licence if they can adequately establish that the diet / oral drug regime is unlikely to induce hypoglycaimia, but, if you're 19, I'd suspect that you have juvenile onset diabetes, for which a dietary or oral medication regime would not suffice for control.

Of course you can go scuba diving etc., such activities pose no risk to anyone but yourself, it's when others lives may be at risk that you'll face limitations or prohibitions.

It may be second best, but there are numerous careers in aviation which you could strive for, regrettably, being a member of aircrew is not one of them.

Good luck Peter,

Old Smokey

24th Sep 2005, 08:02
Perhaps what Old Smokey says is the general perception amongst the public and would be most people's first guess BUT while researching the Stephens Akro/Lazer Z200 aerobatics aircraft last year I came across a remarkable find.

Michael Hunter flies his Lazer Z200 in aerobatic displays to raise awareness of children with diabetes. He is puported to be the worlds only insulin dependant aerobatics display pilot. Check out his website http://www.flightfordiabetes.com/

It may be more difficult for insulin dependant pilots but NEVER give up hope. It might actually be worth your while to try and contact Michael Hunter. This is not to say that commercial or military flying would be allowed but rather to show that it is still possible for you to gain a flying license as an insulin dependant person.

Best regards, and best of luck ...


Old Smokey
24th Sep 2005, 10:02
If I am wrong, then I have never been so happy to be wrong in my entire life.

Good luck Peter,

Old Smokey