View Full Version : EEC going public with safety records...

26th Aug 2005, 16:16
I was reading today that the feds will be publishing safety records of operators in public interest.This was reported in europe today .Great idea for those who duck and dive regulations regarding safety.It begs the question why the recent accidents originated from third world countries???Now they may not technically be third world however one will find some of their mentality is.One world one regualtion.:ok:

26th Aug 2005, 17:34
Ahm, which feds?

FAA has no plans to do that, from what we can see on this side of Atlantic, so I assume you're talking of EEC.

From what I saw today (AW&ST Daily) french DGAC will publish their list on Monday (Aug 29) and italians already have their list.

In order to find more info on who's on the italian list (ENAC) one needs to call local 800 number (numero verde) to find out if a specific airline operatin in italian airspace is on the list.


26th Aug 2005, 21:12
Ya it,s the EEC read it in the Times business section I think.DO WE BRING BACK REGULATION IN THE INTERST OF PUBLIC SAFETY?A debate may ensue in Brussels I,m sure,a real socialists movement is gaining ground in mainlad Europe.Tricky devils the academics who are employed as beaurocrats.:8
Then again Ryan Air are pounding out the profits like the airline biz was like taking candy from a baby:p

27th Aug 2005, 20:37
The information content of all these lists, black or white, is negligeable. While the publication of lists is a necessary political move, enhancing the values of transparency and public participation, in my opinion it doesn't help customers or business partners alike to make the right choice. Blacklisted companies are anyway out of business, whitelisted companies are simply those, which are still on the market. Or should I infer that there are still some kind of "greylisted" airlines, which are legally offering their services in the market but which are not found to be safe enough as to be whitelisted?