View Full Version : Q'n for U.S pilots

26th Aug 2005, 06:53
hi there

I'm thinking of trying the USA for my next job. Can someone help me with getting a hold of a company who would consider an Australian ex pat? any replies appreciated.


Willit Run
26th Aug 2005, 15:10
do you have a us passport? if not, good luck, many companies would be glad to hire you, but the wonderful TSA makes it so damn difficult.

29th Aug 2005, 06:36
A " Green Card " should be enough.


Just Boxes
29th Aug 2005, 17:15
What's your flight experience, need an entry level freight job, corporate, flight instructor?

Chippie Chappie
6th Sep 2005, 16:04
Hey there,

Well as the Pheonix has disappeared (but may well rise again), I'll follow on as I've just scored a "Green Card" and am interested in further info on bizjet work, either coropate or charter.

I'm flying a bizjet in Europe and in the process of converting to a FAA ATP (well, the study has started). 2500 Hours seems to be a requirement for the larger operators (NetJets, FlexJet, et al). I've about 2100hrs with 450 Jet. Would those operators consider me or is the market to competitive. Do other operators take you on with less.

Also, I know that you can fly SIC on part 91 without a type-rating but is this practical and will the employer provide the training?

A lot of questions, I know but any info is HUGELY appreciated.



8th Sep 2005, 16:01
If you don`t have a US Passport, you are required to go through a backgroung check from the justice department, unless you have previous experience on heavier then 12,500, and i just don`t know if experience obtained abraod counts.
Depending on kind of experience (make&model) there are always position posted on the web, Climbto350.com being just one example, so if you cannnot break into the "major"fractional you might have more luck on a smaller outfit.

Be aware, some company that fly governament personel require you to have a US passport, not just a Green Card

Hope it helped, PM me if you have any questions

Ignition Override
12th Sep 2005, 05:41
Can't help you with green (actually white) cards etc. Good luck with TSA (Thousands Standing Around). TSA is just another over-bloated US bureaucracy (like Homeland Security, the CIA, FBI, NSA, Dept. of Justice, Federal Marshals, ATF, Customs and numerous police departments are simply not enough...), which vaguely understands what the real security issues are, but they have gotten a little bit better.

If you can ever get a job with NetJets or such, this might have a fair bit of job security, but with thousands of laid-off US pilots, there might be strong competition. A pilot fortunate enough to get hired might be wise to spend a career there, because they had steady growth and high fuel prices are sinking most passenger airlines into quicksand. One recalled some of its furloughed pilots this winter, and many of these might get laid-off again, when it files for Chapter 11! :yuk:

Years ago, part of Northwest Airlink, now Pinnacle, had a number of pilots from other countries who were somehow "sponsored", whatever that means. They now pay you nothing during training, and some ladies, maybe even guys with only a few hundred hours, have been hired. It is challenging groundschool training on the CRJ, naturally requiring many pilots' first exposure to an FMS. Most seem to make it through training.

Pinnacle's headquarters might be in College Park, near Atlanta Int'l Airport (ATL), GA.

13th Sep 2005, 13:52
Pinnacle nowhere near Atlanta. ASA, Delta and Airtran perhaps.

Try a google search.........

Chippie Chappie
16th Sep 2005, 16:51
Hi Folks,

Thanks for the info SK3 and IO. Sounds like aviation is in a bit of turmoil over there (like the rest of the world). I'll keep an eye on climto350. For flight time requirements.

I know that no-one likes "aliens" (I've been called worse things) taking the positions of locals but thought that the USA might be a little more generous than most considering that the nation was built on immigration. I'm not looking for Politically Correct answers, just honest ones.



16th Sep 2005, 20:35
I'm a Captain for one of the largest 'regionals' in the US. We have many aliens here. We've never had a problem hireing them, or keeping them.
Once we had to fire a Brit for gross incompedence! And I remember around ten years ago we fired a Dutch guy for letting his green card expire!
PM me and I'll try to help.

Ignition Override
19th Sep 2005, 04:31
Nomoneynowek. Sorry, I must have dated myself quite a bit regarding Pinnacle. Don't know when they left Atlanta. They were owned by a 'gentleman' ;) named Michael Brady.

Years ago, while they were either Republic Express, (Phoenix Airline Services) along with Mesaba airlines, became a major part of Northwest Airlink, the headquarters was south of Atlanta Airport-even though the hubs were in other states. Even then in Atlanta, depending on the year, the only hubs were operated by Eastern Airlines, E. Metro, Delta and ASA.

It might be worth it to check Mesaba Airlines, but have no idea if Mesaba ever sponsored guys/gals from other countries.

We also have a Hungarian guy who years ago flew with COMAIR, a significant partner in the Delta system, along with ASA and Skywest. I've worked with him, a Swede and maybe two others.

19th Sep 2005, 06:55
Hi Chippie,

Pinnacle is presently hiring. Their hiring minimums are 1000 tt and 200 ME. You can find more information at www.nwairlink.com

You can also try Mesaba as they are gettting the next lot of CRJs from NW.

Other regionals that are hiring are Comair (heard the rumour that they have stopped since the announcement of chapter 11), Chattaqua, ASA, Express Jet, Midway, Mesa air, etc. etc.

You will be able to work for any one of those companies with your green card. Presently both NetJets and Flight Options are hiring as well.

Good luck with your conversions.

Chippie Chappie
24th Sep 2005, 12:44
Thanks Chaps,

You've come up trumps :) That's more like my image of the US. :ok:

Still in the process of converting at the moment but get the feeling I need to get cracking.

Flyrr100, thanks for the offer, check your P.M.s



9th Oct 2005, 06:22
Have you tried SkyWest? www.skywest.com

Last I heard they are hiring and I know a few foreign nationals working there.

9th Oct 2005, 23:23
I,m a kiwi over here working for a Major,a US passport is good(I dont have)a green card I do.It is no walk in the park,TSA makes it a pain.We have several OZ boys here,but all have been here pre 9/11 before major background checks.Good luck,its as tight as a gnats ar@e for foereigners to get in these days

21st Oct 2005, 14:42
'We've never had a problem hireing them, or keeping them.
Once we had to fire a Brit for gross incompedence!'

If only command of the English language were a prerequisite.:yuk:

Shiny Side Up
26th Oct 2005, 00:36
FIRESYS, you have way too much time on your hands. Why do so many people have nothing better to do but point out typos in other posts?

Have some worthwhile info regarding the posted question? No? Stay off the frequency then.

Ignition Override
27th Oct 2005, 05:22
According to Mesaba pilots I spoke with in MSP, they are losing all of their Avros, and probably ten of their Saabs. This might be a third of their fleet! Terrible news for them.

Good luck to Mesaba's employees.

George Semel
28th Oct 2005, 02:13
Well we had some guests, that sort of made a mess. So the TSA make you jump thru a few more hoops. Well, if you are going to blame people then blame the ones that came here with the express purpose of making that mess. In time it will get sorted out. As for getting a job here, I don't see why not. All you have to to is apply and no being from OZ is not going to hurt you, unless you show up for the interview with your pet eastern brown snake, then again that might make the deal. Appy for your work permit, get it and go find a job.