View Full Version : Counter signing picus time

8th Aug 2005, 14:55
I have a pooleys logbook and one thing has been bugging me. The instructions at the front state that all PICUS time should be counter signed by the commander. Alright in theory, but after a 6 sector day, three of which I am logging as picus do I really need to get my book signed by the captain? If I do my book once a week, with say 25 sectors a week, 12 of which are 'mine' I'm not going to be popular at work! Any thoughts appreciated.



8th Aug 2005, 15:05
If you wish to upgrade your licence from a CPL say to an ATPL, then you may need to produce your logbook and show that you have the required number of hours. Likewise if you apply for a job elsewhere then there may be a requirement for a number of PICUS hours, so to be on the safe side it's probably a good idea at the moment, but without knowing which licencing authority you come under nor what your career aspirations are it's difficult to be more specific.

Most Skippers are more than happy to give three quick scrawls at the end of the day for a job well done, after all others did it for them.

8th Aug 2005, 16:39
My co-pilots used to mark the empty lines with a pencil cross (along with the £5 note:D )

9th Aug 2005, 15:32
Your CFI's signature (just the one) was good enough to cover all PICUS/SPIC for initial issue, so I see no reason why your Chief Pilot/Flight Ops director shouldn't be able to countersign your logbook to similar effect for your ATPL issue.

If it doesn't, I'm stuffed!:}

9th Aug 2005, 16:36
Yes, but will he be as helpful if you tell him you want it endorsing because you are leaving for greener pastures, or for that matter what about the guys at Court Line or EUjet, how do they find someone who can sign it?

Old Smokey
9th Aug 2005, 16:59
I have this recurring dream of lying in my coffin, and just before they nail the lid shut, some bl**dy F/O pokes in his log book and says "Oi! Will you sign this before you go?";)

August levity over, waiting for September.


Old Smokey