View Full Version : Question about flight plans

20th Jul 2005, 16:27
Question about flight plans

In section 19 Supplementary Information, Survival Equipment, the -> S in a box before Polar, Desert and Maritime.

What does this S in a box being crossed out of left uncrossed signify.

We are carrying Life jackets with lights attached to them and are leaving the J and the L box uncrossed.

Do we put a cross in the S box at the beginning or not?? What does this S box mean.

Pub User
21st Jul 2005, 08:53
You cross out those items that do not apply. So if you do not carry survival eqipment, cross out the 'S'.

21st Jul 2005, 19:03
As we are carrying life jackets with lights attached and are leaving the J and the L uncrossed, are we also correct in leaving the S uncrossed as we are carrying some survival equipment.

21st Jul 2005, 21:35
This section of the flight plan is not transmitted except by request (RQS signal). Endurance, persons on board, dinghy information, aircraft colour and markings and pilots name should be inserted. Other items of equipment should be indicated by striking out the boxes for any equipment not carried in the aircraft.

Supplementary Flight Plan - SPL

Originated on RQS request from an ATS unit or other agency e.g. RCC.

Priority: As for RQS message received.
Addressees: Requesting agency
Content: Aircraft Identification - Departure Aerodrome and ATD - Destination Aerodrome, EET and Alternate Aerodromes - All items in Item 19 of FPL.


In the case above only Maritime equipment is carried so the field becomes S/M. If S had been crossed out the whole field would be omitted from the signal.

Some fields are mandatory and so the field identifier is not optional on the flight plan. Endurance, POB and Radios are a good example. Others, like Survival equipment, Dinghies, Jackets and Remarks are optional and you cross out the header for those you have no supplementary info for. For example crossing out Jackets saves you from having to cross out all the boxes for equipment in the jackets (Fluores, Light, UHF and VHF).