View Full Version : Chemical Stress Test

4th Jul 2005, 16:13
Owing to a variety of reasons I am currently unfit to use my Class 1 medical, but I expect to be clear of the condition causing suspension in about 2 weeks.

Problem is that the CAA will want a cardiac stress test out of me before they allow me to operate again. This involves a treadmill walk for over 9 minutes at increasing speed and gradient. My deteriorating body has also developed a bulging disc which will require surgery at some point.

My Orthopaedist tells me that treadmill walking is a bad idea (I agree with him there!) and some other form of stress exercise should be used.

The CAA have told me that a "Chemical Stress Test" is the alternative!

Does anyone have any knowledge/experience of such a thing?

4th Jul 2005, 17:00


Loose rivets
4th Jul 2005, 17:59
I certainly empathize. As one who was very fit up to the age of 60, lower back pain stopped me running…even on a soft beach. I can still cycle, but this does not compare to the stresses caused by running, even when pushing hard uphill.

I don’t like the sound of the alternative, so I wonder if the medics would allow you to support some of your weight on the side rails. I find that this helps, and still sends my heart-rate up much more than cycling. You would of course have to practice this for some time before submitting to a test.

The problem would be, how to factor this into their calculations. They surely factor for age…don’t they? ( I never had to do this test) so could some support be taken into account?

Do you get immediate pain--when running--as the result of the bulging disc? So many people have discs that are pushing right onto the spinal cord…and they never know.

5th Jul 2005, 08:16
I have recently returned to flying following Bypass surgery. I had to undergo various tests which included a perfusion scan, a tread mill stress test, a chemical stress test and 24 hr heart function monitor program.
The chemical stress test was very straight forward with no side effects other than a warm feeling througout the body.

Feel free to contact me if you want further info

5th Jul 2005, 09:51
It sounds like the medic's want to investigate the state of your coronary arteries, I guess, because you have suffered some worrying symptoms (chest pain?).

Unfortunately the standard "resting" ecg performed at medical, isn't particually useful in assessing this.

A "Stress" ecg is, however, more reliable.

The usaul method of putting your heart under stress, is to make it work a little-hence the treadmill. The stress can be induced artificially for those unable to tolerate the treadmill. (Such as yourself).

As with any test, weigh up the pro's and con's.

Con's - possible reaction to the chemical agent--rare.
Pro's - potential to s[pot a life threatening condition which can be treated successfully.

I know whuich path I'd take, but talk to your doc to make an informed choice.