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Bad Adventures
17th Jul 2005, 11:34

You are correct. Was just stirring the pot!!

Slip times for LHR base from 25 March 06 as follows:

QF2/QF1 slip time 31.20 hours. Min requirement 12 hours.

QF30/QF29 slip time 41.25 hours. Min requirement 17 hours.

QF32/QF31 slip time 44 hours. Min requirement 17 hours.


17th Jul 2005, 13:20
AO are currently recruiting- from the 10 month LH contractors who were not renewed or made permanent in May. If sufficient numbers are not reached from this group we will be looking at language priority, in particular Japanese.

So contrary to popular belief our next recruitment is from Australia and to be based in Australia.

Hmmm `Jetstar Heavy'...an interesting concept...wonder if this is where we'll end up?!


17th Jul 2005, 21:34
I thought my last post would of got this response lol lol !!!

You obviously have a chip on your shoulders guys - never mind eh !

I think QF are a fantastic ( GLOBAL ) airline - wherever you fly from....

Cant understand your - comment re changing my forum name to noonewantsmeto fly - I AM flying at the mo - loving it too.. Thanks for the suggestion tho....

Good luck guys and happy flying...

Bad Adventures
17th Jul 2005, 23:39
Hey Qcc2

Interested on your thoughts about this A330 op to Bombay with regards to crewing.

This refuelling stop which is needed in Darwin on the way up. Will passengers be able to join the flight at this point (DRW/BOM) or will it be a simple juice up and go? Current tour of duty for a direct Mumbai northbound is 14.10 min. This stopover would add at the bare minimum an hour to the tour of duty thus becoming a multi sector duty of over 15 hours. So would envisage 3 options for the company regarding this situation.

1) They ask the FAAA for dispensation for a multi sector trip of over 15 hours (horrendous!!)

2) They combine it into a Short Haul Darwin pattern and give it to them to fly.

3) They slip Long Haul crews in Darwin for 48 and 72 hours respectively.

18th Jul 2005, 00:36
My bet is that it'll go to the domestics.

Perfectly "legal" under the conditions they have agreed to do our traditional flying .

Also language skills not required any more when flying internationally under geoff's "Sustainable Bonus Program."


18th Jul 2005, 02:48
Re the question of "how many AO crew are there?" There are 320.

So if 235 voted then there were 85 who did not vote.


RaverFlaver :)

18th Jul 2005, 05:07
If that figure is correct then it is amazing that 26.5% of AO crew did not vote,when their future is at stake.

especially if the YES/NO vote difference was around 50 votes

The figure is much the same at Longhaul and I imagine at shorthaul as well,I suppose a lot of crew do not think past their next latte...sad..no wonder management get away with so much

travel thickness
18th Jul 2005, 08:37
This month`s BRW has an interesting piece on Dixon,Gregg and Qantas.It appears that Gregg is the chosen one to replace "Il Duce".He has also been charged with determining the viability of establishing a low cost longhaul carrier.The article also indicates that it is likely that Australian Airlines is to be folded into Jetstar which is likely to grow into the low cost longhaul carrier Gregg is contemplating.This carrier would likely fly into leisure destinations where yields are too low for QF....HNL ‚`‚s‚g?@‚x‚u‚q TPE are a few that come to mind.
Never a dull moment in this neck of the woods!!

18th Jul 2005, 11:36
From what I heard in regards to voting for the EBA, was that a lot of the native language speakers didn't actually vote as they didn't fully understand the EBA and found it too "difficult" to read through to make an informed decision. This is evident from a native Japanese language speaker saying to an Australian Japanese speaker that they don't understand the EBA and it is too difficult to read, and that they won't be voting.....

However having said that I am not implying that all the people who did not vote were language speakers, just that there was some cases I am aware of people not voting who were in fact native language speakers.

Received a memo today from Andrea Staines, commenting on the report about AO becoming Jetstar, and she said Geoff Dixon's developing vision of the qantas group internationally is that it will have both full service and low frills flying. Referencing Jetstar doing trans tasman flying, and us to source new profitable routes.

I don't believe we will become part of Jetstar in any way as we are two completely different business models, and given our new EBA, this highlights just how different we are in terms of flying that can be done and the direction each subsidary is going.

Just my spin on things.

RaverFlaver :)

Don Esson
18th Jul 2005, 11:53
Mr Flaver,

You quote the Australian CEO as saying ' Geoff Dixon's developing vision of the qantas group internationally is that it will have both full service and low frills flying."

Doesn't that mean Qantas will provide the full service while JetStar will be the el cheapo. Where does that put Ms Staines' mob?

18th Jul 2005, 12:04
It puts us in the postion that we are currently in, providing a service that is in between the both of them. :)

travel thickness
18th Jul 2005, 17:59
Read the BRW article and you will see that you are perhaps a little naive in believing anything that Andrea Staines proclaims.It is well known that if the EBA didn`t get up AO was to be shut down....reason?Its not making enough money...and still isn`t.
QF mainline makes more money out of its outsourced duty free sales than AO`s total profit ..period

19th Jul 2005, 00:03
Has anyone noticed how many positions there are in open time for FRA trips.

Apparently,there is a shortage of Thai crew as they are being used in LHR!!!!!

Don Esson
19th Jul 2005, 00:49
A couple more points for Mr Flaver:

One. Ms Staines has been yacking about 'new profitable routes' for quite some time. What has happened? Apart fromn the cherry picking seasonal charters, nothing. Every route Australian now flies was handed over to them by Qantas. The route that they did pioneer, although with a significant subsidy from its government, was Sabah. Where did it go? Down the tube with the handouts. They also managed to stuff up Taipei but blamed the Asian flu crisis to spin themselves off the hook. AOs continued refusal of more aircraft from Qantas speaks volumes for its intention to start new routes.

Two. On the question of denials etc., it's time to start to worry when media speculation that is close to the money is formally denied as it's been in this case.

I don't want to dampen your enthusiasm and optimism but both are regretably misplaced.

19th Jul 2005, 02:21
the word is it is going to domestic crew. their union officials are stupied enough to let it happen.(extended tour of duty) all i would suggest to our domestic collegues is write a letter to CASA, attach ALL bad patterns and ask what kind of fatigue management is attached to those patterns. also i would in writting advise CASA,the flying roo and yes your union officials that the have a duty of care and what they are going to do about it? unless you put it in writing i wont get changed.

AO, i agree with don that AO will be a thing of the past. jetstar international doesn't sound too bad either. andrea staines is just another number who gets told what to do.

just because the AO eba got up doesnt mean if it wouldn\'t have got up they would have shut down the airline. because of cabin crew. guys dont kid yourself, to shut down an airline isnt that easy.

19th Jul 2005, 05:42
My question is why do they need all those Thai based crew in LHR?

Is it because they are trying to keep the hours down for LHR based crew because of hour limitations or

Is it because there are a lot of crew in LHR going sick? and if that is the case why is there high sick leave when everything is supposed to be bright and rosy in the old dart.

Peanut Pusher has so far refused to confirm or deny that there is a lower hour limitation than the company originally used.

Something is not quite right about the base and it will be interesting to see if GD has something to say about it when the yearly profit announcement is made

Bad Adventures
19th Jul 2005, 06:19
Another interesting point is how the company is not allowing any cross crewing to occur between the 2 bases (LHR & SYD). With the current long slips in SIN and HKG for the London base crew it is easily avoided as they can utilise the crew on long slips and turn them around. However next year with the termination of the QF15/QF16 out of SIN and the QF29/QF30 going daily out of HKG, London base crew will all be on minimum slip times. So I ask, how will they cover sickness in these ports (SIN/HKG) by the London base crew if they are not going to use Sydney based crew??

Any thoughts?

19th Jul 2005, 07:38
I think that the Thai based crew have to do airport standby's in BKK so you can bet that there will be a few paxing Thai crew flying around Asia to replace LHR based crew,if there are any spare Thai crew in BKK that is.

If there is large sick leave now,imagaine how many will be pulling the plug when the slips are reduced.

However,with the LHR base a pet project with both LG and GD they will not be quick to admit anything is wrong.Ceryainly , no one so far has said anything about an hour cap issue but I think it will have to be raised at the next shareholders meeting as well as the imminent failure of Jetstar Asia which will cost the sharholders a packet.Let's see GD talk himself out of that

Mr Seatback 2
19th Jul 2005, 07:51
Qantas are reportedly offering to pay $40m to ensure a merger with Valuair goes through.

So...the crew are expected to fund their own futures by opening up offshore bases (to save $16m)...yet when an overseas venture fails appalingly, $40m isn't something to be concerned about as a shareholder???

The savings created by LHR seem to pale in comparison, don't they? Nothing like foolish pride to dampen your spirits!

19th Jul 2005, 10:29
There is no transparency when it comes to cost apportionment at QF so my bet is that financial failure that IS QFUK, will remain well hidden.

An ex SYD based longhauler now working for QFUK was bragging to me last week that a major f@ck up with the wording of their contract was the reason for the extra long slips they are now enjoying.

Some mix up between "days off" and "local nights" was what he was trying to explain???

Perhaps Peanut Pusher will clarify??



Bad Adventures
19th Jul 2005, 11:26
I’m no fan of the LHR base. However the reason why the LHR base cabin crew are currently getting long slips in Singapore and Hong Kong has got nothing to do with the wording of their contracts, or days off, or duty hour limitations or any other rubbish that is flying around. It is purely a schedule restraint problem, it’s not rocket science!! However let me explain it for those individuals who are a little bit mentally challenged when it comes to scheduling. The 87.55 hour slip that LHR based crew currently get in Hong Kong comes about because the QF30 only operates 3 times weekly. It leaves LHR 12.20pm on a Friday and arrives in HKG at 07.40 on Saturday. The next QF30 flight back to LHR leaves on Sunday morning at 01.05am. The crew cannot obviously operate on this flight due to the slip time (well under 24 hours). The next scheduled service of the QF30 up to LHR is on Wednesday therefore creating the long slip. Exactly the same situation occurs with QF16/QF15 out of Singapore as it is also only operates 3 times weekly. Am I getting through here??? As has also been pointed out on many previous occasions the QF16/15 will terminate as of 25 March 2006. The company need these aircraft to commence daily services to Hong Kong the following day (QF 29/30) So, again the slip times for the LHR base crew as from the 25th of March 2006 will be:

QF2/QF1 slip time 31.20 hours. Min requirement 12 hours.

QF30/QF29 slip time 41.25 hours. Min requirement 17 hours.

QF32/QF31 slip time 44 hours. Min requirement 17 hours.

You only have to look on CIS to get these figures!!!!!

20th Jul 2005, 00:14
Since we cant post on a new thread, here is a juicy one!

Last week one of our male flight attendants was paxed home from SIN as he has been accused for having sex in the toilets.

According to the crew the female pax were quite intoxicated and the F/A had a field day!

You watch them bury this one! and want to know the reason why? the flight attendant is going to play the "race card" on this one, (NO he is NOT aboriginal).

I simply don't understand why anyone would jeopardise their job in this current climate by having sex in a filthy aircraft toilet.

20th Jul 2005, 03:09
LHR base a financial failure eh?

It's not about money sunshine, it's about breaking your union, something they are doing a very good job at.

And that is priceless.

20th Jul 2005, 06:28
ahhhh J BLACK M
you have crawled out from under your rock!
how is the face painting going?
Getting you down is it!
I wonder what they will do to you this year!

20th Jul 2005, 07:17

tell us the one again about, "a fair day's pay for a fair day's work."

Laugh? I was one the floor!!!

Seriously though.

Isn't it about time you did yourself a favour and got some professional help??

p m than sword
20th Jul 2005, 12:44
Word is that qf are searching crew upline from tonight in SIN BKK HKG. Quite a few standowns. Lookout.

20th Jul 2005, 13:00
Early reports suggest 32 crew stood down.

I wonder if QF have twigged that they might need some crew to operate the A/C out?

20th Jul 2005, 14:04
stood-down for.......???? why? ..or do you mean sick?

20th Jul 2005, 14:31
This thread is too long... Why are we supposed to only post in one bloody thread????

Also, I've received numerous text messages tonight from crew informing me that there are currently QF security searches happening upline in SIN, BKK and HKG. So be careful!!

QF is obviously not trying to make any friends with crew.

20th Jul 2005, 15:21
wonder if that includes AO crew as well???

20th Jul 2005, 22:43
I haven't had much to post recently because QF and the union haven't done much lately.

I will have plenty to say when the next bombshell happens, which it will, just to demonstrate how powerless you really are.

I would much rather be face painting for a company that I enjoy working for than sitting in a back galley doing f*ck all for a company I despise.


White Pointer
20th Jul 2005, 23:02
Security searches are for those low incompetents among us who choose to flog things from the aircraft, and more often than not try and sell them off for profit. Unfortunately, those people give everyone a bad name, and further motivation for the company to attack us.

I remember years back a certain pub in London where you used to order the 'Qantas wine' which was the cheapest in the house. Wonder how they got a hold of it?

Security searches have nothing to do with the current industrial climate.

20th Jul 2005, 23:07


"I remember years back a certain pub in London where you used to order the 'Qantas wine' which was the cheapest in the house. Wonder how they got a hold of it?

Security searches have nothing to do with the current industrial climate."


Complete and utter bull**** on both counts.

Don Esson
20th Jul 2005, 23:26
If these reports are tru, anyone caught thieving from their employer deserves everything that comes their way: if that includes termination, so be it. The shame should not stop there - why not charge a couple of culprits and let them have a criminal conviction. This would soon stop the theft. So as to be even handed, a search policy should also extend to pilots as well as the flight attendants.

Unfortunately a minority give the majority a bad name, and its up to the majority - including the unions - to weed out the petty criminals. However, the unions will insist on a deal being done whereby the culprits are allowed resign without character blemish with the majority of good people carrying the generalised stigma of 'thief'. Time to speak up people.

BTW, does consumption on board of unused first and business class food in lieu of or in addition to supplied crew meals equate to theft?

20th Jul 2005, 23:33
"BTW, does consumption on board of unused first and business class food in lieu of or in addition to supplied crew meals equate to theft?"

Food that is going to be thrown in the bin by the flight attendants at the end of the sector?


Does your act of calling your wife/girlfriend/boyfriend from work using a company phone constitute theft............?

20th Jul 2005, 23:40
white pointer........... what a load of sh1t!
where in the hell did you get this rediculous piece of information.
The searches are humiliating, and if they really want to catch the thieves then they should look no further than people that work in the office.
Look at all the time they spend on personal emails, looking at the internet, wondering around the office and chatting, going to long lunches, that is costing us money, not a bloody can of beer!

20th Jul 2005, 23:48
Looks like the BKK base will be WELL down on numbers now.:ok:

20th Jul 2005, 23:55
yep they have been at it!
emails received today also state that they have been doing searches in the foyer of the HKG hotel.
They did it to the crew that came from MEL the other night.
from what I understand, they are NOT allowed to do searches that are not on company property!
Anyone know the legality of this one.

Also Esson, what are you! you don't seem to know much about this topic, why don't you just read it instead of posting such rediculous comments!

HAve you used the internet in the office today, made a personal phone call, had a long lunch, had a bit of a wonder around the office and did nothing, looked at and sent personal emails!

NOw that is stealing.............

handgun fellashio
21st Jul 2005, 00:01
Why would anyone want to take anything from a QF aircraft?There is nothing worth taking ...its all ****e.
In buildings QCA QCB QCC QCD theft is rampant...computer time,phonecalls,pens paper,paper clips,pencils..the list goes on.
Searches should be conducted on all staff leaving these buildings.
This should also include senior management.The amount of booze that goes home in their boots is criminal,not to mention the free catering for private functions and parties.
Cabin crew are soft targets..getting sacked for taking a bootle of 500ml water is over the top.The cost to QF is 42 cents.This pales into insignificance compared to the theft on the ground.
GROUND STAFF SEARCHES PLEASE!!!Stop discriminating QF!!!

21st Jul 2005, 00:45
Management are so stupid, they should not antogonise crew!
Simply pour a couple of bottles down the sink.
Everytime they have these searches I reply with this action!
More goes down the sink than can ever be placed in a bag!....... leave us alone, get the office thieves.... that is where the booty is!

Don Esson
21st Jul 2005, 01:20
Don't be so precious little dears.

Theft is theft, wherever and whatever. We are discussing here searches of crew for alleged theft from aircraft. Nothing more, nothing less. If you want to vent your collective spleen about management and office staff stealing their employers material, do it elsewhere.

For the record and the uninformed, I am told that ground staff do work under a policy of no private phone calls, no private internet use, no stealing AND random bag searches. They are also reviewed for Staff Travel breaches. Don't think crew are being victimised - they are not.

Tow truck writes about long lunches and wandering around the office doing nothing. Is this theft the same as hanging around gallies etc, (for example, ignoring pax call buttons) instead of patrolling the cabin attending to customers needs?

21st Jul 2005, 01:40
they may work under this policy but they certainly don't adhere to it.
Esson, are you at work at the moment, if so what are you doing on the net, Oh that's right its your smoko time, or is it your long long early lunch.
Are you one of those QCC1 employees that ride up and down the elevator , and then catch the shuttle bus over to the domestic airport for a burger king, then you slowly wonder back, check you emails, then make a personal call, etc,
So, are you at work today!

Don Esson
21st Jul 2005, 01:51
Tow truck,

I really should ignore your spiteful bile but I will say that I have more taste and class than to eat at Burger King. As for my being at work, you'll just have to wonder.

21st Jul 2005, 02:02
Just received from office............

Rumour - 32 people have been held out of service as a result of Random
Security Searches up-line

Fact: No One has been stood down as a result of the security searches!

Background - As you all know we were advised some weeks ago that QF
security will be conducting random searches on all QF employees
around the network. This has begun, with random searches having taken
place in HKG, SIN, and the QF Jetbase this week.
Certainly to date, NO ONE has had any disciplinary against them as a
result of these searches.

There has also been concerns as to what constitutes "QF Premises" - the
definition is "any place or thing (whether or not owned by or within the
exclusive control of Qantas) used by Qantas in the course of conducting its
business and includes but is not limited to aircraft and vehicles.

Security have assured us that all care is being taken to ensure that the
crew members privacy is respected and searches are conducted in
discreet areas and not in public view and the searches may well take place
at the crew hotel in keeping with the above definition.

This is a Qantas Group Security Initiative, and affects ALL Qantas staff
ground and air.

labia vortex
21st Jul 2005, 02:52
I would hope all management,Borghetti,Il Duce,Grant,Hassell,Gregg et al are being frisked as well

handgun fellashio
21st Jul 2005, 03:03
QF Catering and the bondstore used to be the worst.Management were/are the greatest perpetrators.Booze ,food for private functions,parties etc left by the bootload on Friday nights for birthday parties,weddings over virtually any weekend.
A certain CEO uses the company apartment in the toaster to "entertain".The "Dame"has told him to move out and clean up his act...yes mummy.

21st Jul 2005, 03:18
I'm wondering, in the eyes of QF, what constitutes stealing? Is something like a stip of Panamax stealing, or a QF pen or two, how about a bottle of water? I can understand someone being stood down for stealing a bottle of J/C wine or similar, but if it is going to be as petty as getting crew for the smallest of things, then it is time for war.

PS: Don Esson, why do you even bother coming to these forums, you blind, slimy little weasel?

labia vortex
21st Jul 2005, 03:59
Taking a bottle of water is considered stealing.Taking anything from your meal tray is also considered stealing.
Taking someone`s livelihood as Dixon is doing apparently is not.
It is either Australian apathy or enormous tolerance that has prevented this swine from being "mishandled"

21st Jul 2005, 04:15
Don Esson
you better start cleaning out your drawers at work, whilst you are at it you should also clean out your glove box, word is security are about to hit little grovellers like you.
If they really want to stamp out thieving they should install electronic movement monitors at QCA to QCCD it would be interesting to see hom much time you spend at your desk doing work! and they should restrict access to the internet from your desk!, OMG what a boring day you would have then!
By the way, you're not in charge of making decisions are you!
God help us!

21st Jul 2005, 04:30
Being a "security officer" for an airline and particularly QF would have to be the lowest job on the planet.
The preferred applicants must have:
1.An IQ smaller than their shoe size
2.A total disregard for other human beings
3.Have a prison record.
4.Be a disgraced former cop
5.Have no empathy.
6.Have no remorse
7.Have "chopper" tattooed on their derriere.
8.Be at least 89% dysfunctional
9.Not play well with others.
10.Enjoy being cruel to small defenseless animals
Come to think of it most of the criteria would apply to any senior management position in our national carrier.
Oh and
11. have had a recent personality by pass verifiable by the operating surgeon.
Using these citeria our nemesis Don Esson would be head of security in no time.

Don Esson
21st Jul 2005, 05:00
With the IQ shown by some of the posters here, I'm surprised that any of you managed to get beyond the first vetting of job applications. It's a great shame a topic cannot be debated and discussed objectively and logically without resort to personal abuse. What a load of losers you are?

The moderators ought to have a look at some of the vitriolic, childish and defamatory stuff that's been posted here and take some action. It's not needed. If anyone doesn't like what's going at at Qantas, they can always resign and find something elsewhere that's more in keeping with their own personal standards.

21st Jul 2005, 05:27
ummmmm have a look at your previous posts Esson, I think you will see you're the one that started these personal attacks...

Seems to me that you're one of the "wannabe" flight attendants.
Hmmmmm didnt make the grade eh!
Looks like the recruiters did their job properly for once.

21st Jul 2005, 05:47
Hi Don,

I thought given that you are so interested in the subject of theft at Qantas that I might cut and paste one of your previous posts.

You know the one, surely? The one that outlines the company sanctioned theft carried out by our "trough feeding, pig swillers", who sometimes go by the title of, "Senior Executive Staff."
Quote- "Executive buy-up?

Maybe the bar shortages were the result of a buy-up by Qantas executive staff. A very jealously guarded perk not known by many is that enjoyed by all Executive staff that allows them to buy wine, liqour and beer (all classes) from catering at very discounted prices.. There is no limit to their avarice.. "
You seem to have an inside to the REAL thieves in Qantas.
In the interests of fairness/balance perhaps you would care to expand on your above, previous post?


Don Esson
21st Jul 2005, 05:55

Many will not agree, but where good money changes hands, theft is not committed. Please don't take posts out of context. The 'bar shortages' were not the kind of shortages you may have in mind!

Tow truck,

I've got to leave the creche and sand pit to others as its now approaching 4 o'clock and I have to go to my real job. No, I'm not a wannabe FA. I'm just a sensible person who knows right from wrong without personal prejudice, bias or other luggage. I believe in a fair go for all.

21st Jul 2005, 06:17
The following cut and paste is from the D&G forum and illustrates the actions of an airline attacking it's own OPERATIONAL staff.

QF mismanagement never have been leaders and have it seems morphed themselves into nothing more than fascist brownshirts.

There is NOTHING in the way of creative vision for this once proud company.

The article does explain the bullying, aggression and out and out fear campaign being waged against us.

Pass the info onto the troops.

support PPRuNe
posted 20th July 2005 09:37
Revealed: Aer Lingus 'quit or be pushed' plan
From Irish Independent:
(need to be registered)

AER Lingus developed a 12-point plan to make life difficult for its employees in order to persuade 1,800 staff to accept voluntary redundancy.

The plan included:

* Suggesting the airline would introduce a tacky uniform for cabin crew.

* Tedious training programmes for some pilots.

* Deliberately changing shift patterns to make life at the company uncomfortable.

According to one informed source there was also a suggestion that cabin crew, including older air hostesses, would have to abandon their current uniform for jumpsuits and t-shirts.

The total plan is documented in a confidential Aer Lingus report called "Business Plan - HR (Human Resources) strategy 2004".

The 12 initiatives designed to make life difficult for staff are referred to in the documents as "environmental push factors".

A spokeswoman for the company acknowledged that the document had been drawn up by Aer Lingus but dismissed it as a "discussion document". She said: "Those tactics have never been embraced by either the past or present management team."

Nowhere in the 40-page report is there any suggestion that it is a draft or discussion paper.

It states that initiatives to make life uncomfortable for staff were essential to the success of the voluntary severance scheme which was, in turn, essential for the success of the business plan.

The report states: "Environment (sic) push factors are key to driving applications (for the voluntary severance scheme)". The document then details the 12 "push factors".

Top of the list is: " 'Tap on the shoulder' of all relevant superintendents." This is understood to be a reference to 200 supervisor-grade employees who were individually approached by senior management and told they had no future with the company.

The second "push" factor listed calls for performance improvement plans. Sources said these were designed to put staff under pressure at work. The third push factor listed is "attendance management".

One of the more controversial initiatives in the plan comes in at number four and is titled "adverse changes in work/shift patterns". Adverse shift changes would make life at Aer Lingus particularly difficult for employees with families.

The fifth of the strategies outlined is "called lack of availability of IWSL". This is a reference to "In Week Special Leave" which gives cabin crew the option of flexible working arrangements.

The ninth "push factor" is called "assignment to resource centre". It is understood this initiative was aimed at surplus pilots who would be assigned to the centre, known by some staff as 'Guantanemo Bay', where they would spend weeks on training modules which, according to one source, were considered by pilots to be boring and tedious.

A number of the 12 points have already been implemented. These include number 10, "no transport", which is a reference to the abolition of the special bus which ferried cabin crew working unsociable shifts to and from airport car parks.

Other initiatives include "closure/reduction of bases", "significantly reduced overtime" and "working contracted hours".

The HR strategy also deals with plans to reduce employment levels by outsourcing services such as catering and cleaning. Under the terms of an EU regulation written in to Irish law, the 1977 Transfer of Undertaking Protection of Employment (TUPE), the new contractor is obliged re-employ existing staff.

According to the report the way to avoid transfers is to make TUPE offers "unattractive". It states: "An 'unattractive' TUPE offer will give surplus staff the option to transfer to new service provider with no exit package, reduced pension rights and lessened security of employment."

Tom McEnaney

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Instead of being 'just another number' I could order a Personal Title and help support PPRuNe
posted 20th July 2005 09:38
Intimidation not just at Ryanair - ALT too!!
Looks like Aer Lingus have been sucked into the world of systematic intimidation of staff. Check out the links below in the "Quit or be pushed " tactics employed by the Human relations nazi's in Aer Lingus.
I remember the cabin panicing about their garish polo shirts with big dots on them thy'd be wearing in the new Willie walsh airline.
ALT are denying all at moment, saying the proposals were never implemented, however i remember also the attempts to redeploy those commuter pilots who ended up sitting on their arse's for nine months.

This can only be good news for the Knight in shinning armour dermot Mannion about to come over the hill to save the besieged Castle Shamrock!

RTE link

21st Jul 2005, 06:24
Posted by surfside6:
Lowest Job In An Airline
Being a "security officer" for an airline and particularly QF would have to be the lowest job on the planet...

I have to disagree... I am sure most of them don't enjoy doing this kind of thing and it is only a small part of what is probably a fairly interesting job. If I were in security and were forced to do these searches, I would probably try to turn a blind eye to the "smaller things" as much as I were able.

A friend of mine just had a QF security officer on her flight from SIN-SYD. He confirmed he had been in SIN for security searches and, of course, it is something he doesn't like to have to do.

I'm sure there are decent security officers just as there are some F/As who are arseholes.

I just hope no one gets the sack over anything petty.

21st Jul 2005, 07:33
I know what you mean but I have spoken to a few crew that have been searched and the security "people" have been real arseholes.
They are company stooges, following their orders blindly....

Compare a bottle of water to the unlimited hours wasted by office staff......that is theft not water.
I worked in QCC for a few months once, I know what goes on.
I was astounded! if crew wasted that much time hiding in the galleys as has been suggested by Esson, then the meal service would take 15 minutes and it would be 8 hours in the galley.