View Full Version : FAA PART 135/119 Minimums

1st Jun 2005, 08:04

I have contacted a company with light twins in hope of employment. They state their minimum requirements for pilots as being in accordance with FAA PART 135/119

- what does that mean in practical terms? I can’t find the appropriate page on the FAA sight.

I will be obtaining my FAA ATP in June….


Check 6
1st Jun 2005, 18:22
FAR link (http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx?&c=ecfr&tpl=/ecfrbrowse/Title14/14tab_02.tpl)

See 135.243.

The ATP requirements are 61.151-167

Check 6


11th Jun 2005, 01:05
Light twins require an ATP?

Just Boxes
16th Jun 2005, 06:32
ATP is usually a requirement for a Chief Pilot or Director of Operations in Part 135 - as you can give training in 135 ops with an ATP certificate. (A CFI/I/ME would also do)

They may be advertising for a CP or DO, in which case you would need 3yrs experience as a CP or DO at a Part 135 or 121 operation within the last 6 yrs - I think this is in Part 119 or 135.

Isn't anything that isn't Transport Category considered light - ie BE1900, SA227 etc... - both require ATP for Captain