View Full Version : CX 2nd interview maths test

28th May 2005, 07:28
Have heard that there is a maths test given to prospective applicants attending the 2nd interview. Can anyone shed any light on this and what to expect in the test!!!
Any info wil be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

28th May 2005, 07:32
one word --> Hard

well personally i found it quite hard, hmmm maybe hard is not the word...i would say complicated....yea the questions were a bit complicated and u get only 30 mins for 30 questions and there's no way on earth to finish the paper. I don't think u're meant to finish the test anyway, they'll be real surprise if you do

just have a clear mind, dun stress and relax
also don't spend too much time on just 1 question
but it's more like calculus...basic maths

good luck


28th May 2005, 20:36
Math Test
