View Full Version : Class 1: Parking

24th May 2005, 11:30
Hi all.

No, I'm not referring to a new medical phenomonen or test, but merely a mundane question.
What is the chance of getting a parking space when I attend for my initial Class 1 at Gatwick (pm appointment)?? Will I be able to park at the medical centre?
If I get the train to Gatwick, how far will I need to go to the medical building?
Lastly, do they issue your certificate there and then, or is there a wait?

Many thanks for your help!

Stoney X
24th May 2005, 11:42
Free parking is available on site. You just need to tell security your reg when you go in.


24th May 2005, 12:15

As Stoney says, there's "ample free parking" to quote many an Indian retaurant!

I had my Class 1 two years ago - you don't get the certificate there and then - it arived in the post about 10 days later.

In terms of getting from gatwick, if I remember rightly, it's about 1 - 1 1/2 miles past the south terminal, so a cab would cost you about a fiver, or you could walk it in half an hour or so - just don't raise the blood pressure too much ahead of the med :ok:

Good luck with it - I beleive they've stopped doing the best bit, which tested for epilepsy, but at least it's made it cheaper!


24th May 2005, 12:22

If you do go by train see this (pasted from the CAA site):

By Rail
On arrival at Gatwick Airport Rail Station, enter the South Terminal concourse and proceed ahead towards ‘WH Smith’.
Before reaching ‘WH Smith’, turn right past the ‘Information’ desk on your right and head towards ‘Costa Coffee’ at the far end of the concourse.
Go past ‘Costa Coffee’ on your right and head towards ‘Left Baggage’.
Immediately to the right of the ‘Left Baggage’ counter, follow the signs for ‘Local Buses- Southbound’ and pass through the set of grey double doors and down the stairs to ground level.
Exit out of the building down the steps to the left and follow the path directly ahead to the bus stop on the same side of the road.
Take the No. 10 bus - which runs every 10 minutes - or the 100 or 200 which run at approximately 20 minute intervals (all stop outside the BT offices in City Place - see timetables below). Travel on these are free of charge for staff and visitors to Aviation House. When you get off the bus go right towards the roundabout and follow the road on past this and to the right - keeping the "Beehive" building to your right. Take the next right-hand turn and you will see Aviation House in front of you.

See further info here:


See also this map:


It's no hassle getting the train. You will not get certificate that day but the doctor will probably give you a verbal yes or no.

Good luck.