View Full Version : Pilot exercie equipment

19th May 2005, 13:39
I'm working in an Aviation college in China, teaching English to pilot students, and have a few questions about some of the sports equipment that they use. Many of my students ask me the English names for some of the training machines they use. Does anyone know the correct name for:

1) A pivoting ladder that you stand on and swing upside down on.
2) A metal wheel cage that you hook your feet and hand onto and sping yourself upsdie down.
3) A metal wheel that you climing into and roll down a running track on.

I know these sound a little vague but have no other way to describe them. I've provided a link to pictures of them in a hope that this will help


Spinning ladder (http://photos.caseynet.co.uk/albums/userpics/10009/normal_P5190006.jpg)

2)Metal wheel cage (http://photos.caseynet.co.uk/albums/userpics/10009/normal_P4220019.jpg)


Metal wheel (http://photos.caseynet.co.uk/albums/userpics/10009/normal_P5190009.jpg)


19th May 2005, 18:30
Sorry, I've absolutely no idea what these contraptions are called but can only be thankful that I'm not a student pilot in China. Are these a mandatory part of the course? Look a bit like the old Link trainers but missing the aircraft bits!!


19th May 2005, 18:35
what a coincidence, my hamster "dave" has the same equipment in his cage as well.

20th May 2005, 01:41
I was told they came from Russia and yes all pilots have to be able to do something like 18 revolutions in one attempt to pass their tests. Anyone have any idea who might know or other websites that I can try?

25th May 2005, 13:06
I think you should put hampster into a google search, Pilots! we avoid exercise at all costs - hence the autopilot