View Full Version : Journos and Mods

18th May 2005, 14:30
Calling proon journos and Mods.

I've had an idea. Bearing in mind the media discussion on here of late, how about a thread where we hacks can give out the odd tip on dealing with the press. Bssic interview tips, what do do if you aren't happy with something etc?

Just a thought..


19th May 2005, 06:23
Good idea, Dan, and I look forward to some debate here.

19th May 2005, 09:10
I think some basic things like:

Don't get "star struck" when a "quality paper" calls.

LISTEN to the question and answer SLOWLY. Only say things you know for a fact. Not "I think.. it could be... it might have been..."

Take the reporter's name and contact information. If you can record the conversation even better.

Don't be niave (for a non tech article) and think you will get approval prior to publication.

Don't ask for a clipping to show your mum.

Focus on the question.

Remember your company line. Are you authorised to talk to the media?