View Full Version : KA Pre-Qualified Cadet Programme (3 months)

12th May 2005, 10:48
KA invites me to have an interview next week. I will be doing a 330 sim check if I pass that interview... If everything goes smooth, KA will throw me to a 3 months "modified" cadet programme at YPPF....

I hold an Australian CPL with single engine only; I only got VFR, but not MECIR. I think it's a bit hard :ugh: to me to do the 330 sim check at this stage. Anyway, Im here to ask.... any1 here got invited to the ˇ°pre-qualified cadet programmeˇ± this time??

the modified cadet programme sounds tough to me, as I gotta finish everything in 3 months... I have not flown for a while... I probably need some help or advice on the 330 sim ride.



15th May 2005, 09:03
What are you applying for? I am very surprised that KA is giving you an interview if you don't have a MECIR...must be getting desparate with CC going on.

Very unsafe.

15th May 2005, 18:33
i applied cadet pilot programme, but they give me a modified one (approx 3 months) coz I got flying licence... that's what they said.

16th May 2005, 02:01
3 months will not be enough to get you your instrument rating AND ATPL subjects done.

If I were you I would ask them a lot of questions of what needs to be done and what is to be expected of you.

I would assume the sim check they require you to do will be the one for direct entry applicants. So that means mainly instrument flying.

Please PM me with more info as I would really like to know what they are doing.

What So Ever
16th May 2005, 08:22
.What are you applying for? I am very surprised that KA is giving you an interview if you don't have a MECIR...must be getting desparate with CC going on. Very Unsafe

3 months will not be enough to get you your instrument rating AND ATPL subjects done.

I really doubt if you know what you are talking about. Very Unsafe? huh?

This guy is talking about the modiflied cadet pilot programme which is a 3 month course in ADL. 3 months is more than enough to get the MECIR and fATPL done. Maybe not for you, but definitely for some qualified people. Remember this guy has already got a CPL with 200+ hours. If you are surprised about this, then you will always be surprised as this industry is very dynamic and things change very quickly.

How would it be unsafe? You think this airline is gonna let anyone operate the right hand seat without his/her MECIR?
You gotta learn to "look at the big picture", mate!!

By the way,

If you wanna get some more information, you should send this guy a PM to ask about it, instead of asking him to PM you. Or you can even call up KA to ask about it if you have such qualification.

17th May 2005, 05:53
Unless you have been there and done that, then you have no idea what I am talking about.

Suffice to say I do no need any information from this person that can benefit me.

Dragonair seems to be having their arms full trying to train the new guys now and I was very curious as to what they are doing to get new FOs.

If you don't know what CC I am talking about, I believe you don't have anything to contribute.

I have been there, seen it and did it. My advice is sound, up to you whether to believe or not. I do know they are looking for a DESO, so that is the reasons for questioning.

You can PM me if you like, but if you don't, I will know you sooner or later.

PS, cadets don't need to do sim checks.

Another advice for you, is check with anyone you know that is excadet how many hours of instrument flying required and how many months doing it AND doing the MECIR. On top of that, IF you are doing the ATPL, which is 2 months long of ground school, not including all the HKCPL subjects you also need to complete, if 3 months will work.

Better for you to understand what deal you are getting. Having a CPL from somewhere is only half the work..why do you think cadets spend 14 months there, if it can be cut in half.

What So Ever
17th May 2005, 06:59
Yeah mate, if you have done that or already working for the airline, why don't you check with the HRs to find out more about it. Its very new for sure, but It something this guy was told.

17th May 2005, 09:50
I don't think I am your mate so please don't call me so.

Why don't you call HR up and find out why some of the guys not getting their calls for interviews? What will they say to you?

Be a smart fellow and you get smart answers.

What So Ever
17th May 2005, 13:24
Thanks for ya advise, mate! Lets see how long you will stay there for. Smart man.

18th May 2005, 08:54
Hey all,

haha seems like things are getting a bit fire up once again on this forum, geez guys....somebody raised a question and just expecting to get comments from everyone else who are interested in joining the conversation, plz don't not put anything such as whether so n so is qualify to become a pilot or not. No one is ever perfect just remember that, even the captains can make mistake, but that's wat the training is for!!

PS: regarding the Australian CPL without MECIR, it doesn't require 200+ hours, so I'm not sure where you got the info from buddy. (I am sure i cant afford to pay 200+ hr just to do CPL, non MECIR).....btw, just letting you guys know I aint from the inside, only got a PPL and working toward my Australian CPL. If there is such a thing on pre-qualified cadet programme, I really wanna grab as much info as possible.

cheers guy!

19th May 2005, 01:45
I just had my 1st interview, however they gave me a hand-out regarding to the pre-qualified cadet pilot programme, hope this information useful for those who are willing to join the programme.

Pre-Qualified Cadet Pilot Programme


The Dragonair Pre-Qualified Cadet Pilot Programme provides all the necessary training required to enable pilots who already hold an ICAO ATPL/CPL to become the Airline Pilots of the future. Upon the successful completion of an advanced flight grading programme Cadets may be offered employment as Acting Second Officers to join our professional crew team for training to operate our modern Airbus fleet. Having gained the required experience of Dragonairˇ¦s operation, they will be promoted to Second Officer, Junior Officers and then to First Officers.

Selection Procedure

Dragonairˇ¦s Pre-qualified Cadets will have to pass several stages of a rigorous selection process designed to ensure that only the most suitable candidates progress to the advanced grading programme and flying training. Selection consists of medical examination, computer aptitude tests, a general interview, a technical interview and a simulator check.

Advanced Grading and Flying Training

Pre-qualified cadets will have to successfully pass the advanced grading to continue with the flying training. The grading programme will be conducted at Adelaide, Australia.

Hong Kong Licence Conversion

Dragonair will assist pre-qualified cadets in applying for the conversion of their current licence to a Hong Kong licence. There will be certain examinations required to be sat for the issuance. Pre-qualified cadets will be responsible for all examination fees except for Air Law and Type Technical, which will be borne by Dragonair.

20th May 2005, 01:23
I can see by your response that you are pretty daft, WSE.

As for stating unsafe, it was never a concern whether the pilot was safe or not, but moreso the company is unsafe to provide only 3 months of training.

As it says "acting second officer", I am assuming you will not have your hand in the right seat for a while.

And as that is also stated, you will have to do your own ATPL subjects at your own time, so the 3 months provided most likely will get you a HKCPL perhaps...up to MECIR standards.

If that is the case, without the ground ATPL course, you will have ample time to get an instrument rating, but I sure hope for your sake you are great at studying because you will have to work and study for your ATPLs at the same time.

Chances are they hiring SO's for P2X positions for "Sydney", which we will definitely like to know if that is a go or not.

Good luck.

FYI, I did try to find out more info but no luck yet.. will post if I know.

24th May 2005, 13:22
Hello All,
Just for your information I recently got offered sponsorship for the pre qualified program the other day. I currently have a UK CPL/IR and work as a flying instructor in England, and have at the moment gained about 1300 hours time with a little over 100 hours multi engine.
The selection process consisted of a personal interview, and then one month later a technical interview followed by a sim ride in the A320 simulator. From what I gather it was the same profile used for the direct entry F/Os.
Was just wondering if any of you had any idea for the start date of the next course. I was quoted late 2005 ! Also does anyone know what the advanced flight grading/training or bridging course consists of once you get to Adelaide ?
Many thanks, and good luck to anyone who has applied. Will hopefully see you down in Oz.

The Cav:cool: