View Full Version : Support of Crew

8th May 2005, 12:13
Yes I go on line supporting Ali Sultan in his position at Gulf Air! From what I have seen and experienced the only problem he has had is no staff to hepl him in a very importatnt position. Over the years he has been the ONE person my family can call to take care of problems when I am gone, for who knows when, and uncontactable.
A whole in the wall office with out even a window and keep a good attitude, be willing to help, overextend hinmself, answer his phone when rostering will not, don't fire him, give him more support.

8th May 2005, 13:38
My experience with Mr Sultan has been the same...after the first time I met him, he knew my wife and kids name, was able to pullout of a large pile on his desk, the passport, cpr card, or whatever document I needed without asking my name...and was always greeting you with a smile, and a handshake....invaluable person to have around for sure.....:D :ok: :ok:

8th May 2005, 22:40
Great to hear Ali is still around - what a gentleman! Proud, yet humble, always willing to hear your case.

Every company needs an Ali Sultan. :ok:


9th May 2005, 01:44
Could not agree more. Over the years he has been a great help even though he seemed to be overworked and under staffed.

IB not quite on the text.

10th May 2005, 10:12
During my years in Gulf Air I also found Ali as described above.
The management must have a very good reason to go after and fire a national who also does such a good job for crews and is well liked and efficient.
What did he do.....Steal twice from Duty Free?

10th May 2005, 20:06
after reading the first few posts - "and they sacked him"????!!??

If so, GF screws it again - can't they learn??? :mad:

12th May 2005, 04:29
I had heard he was "retiring", not too sure of the circumstances, but what a shame, and big loss for GF...definitely not the kind of progress we need at this crucial stage in the game.... :confused: :{

14th May 2005, 10:28
I do not think retirement is the right term. Seems the big boss at the new Human Remains power domain of GF has decided to side against Ali.

I wonder how much good will, security and positive employee motivation Ali has produced over his career? How many lifes has he touched in a positive way?

I would think alot more than the current policy makers, with their unilateral change of contract condition, loss of benefits and edicts issued from above.


15th May 2005, 13:23
Sad to see that loss of travel benifits has generated more response than a person who has been instrumental in making GF work for over 30 years.

Maybe we should look back over those years and rethink priorities.

15th May 2005, 13:52
The full story on this has not come out yet, when it does you will realise why Ali is going. No I wont reveal it here so dont ask but suffice to say it is surprising and those who need to know can find out very easily. Last I heard he is not leaving just moving departments.

15th May 2005, 13:55
Just heard the same....hope whomever takes over his former department, is as people-oriented as he is....that's a hard act to follow...:cool:

15th May 2005, 14:08
It sure is, it's like having the Rolling Stones as your support act, so you better be good!! Half the trick is to remember everyone's name which Ali was a master at.

24th May 2005, 05:55
Ali is the one person in ops that you can count on. This VP HR is worthless and fits in with the ops mafia---VP OPS and his crew. They should be out a long time ago!!!!!!!

24th May 2005, 13:25
Hind sight has ALWAYS been my best vision, to bad the top of the palace will not look in the mirror. But then again it's not a democarcy. I guess we know how the centurions felt. All hail Hogie and the rest.

28th May 2005, 18:32
Heard that VP HR is out, could this mean that Ali is to take his place??