View Full Version : Second time around?/Re-applying to CX, Merged

23rd Apr 2005, 17:59
hi guys.
Is it true that we have to wait for a year to re-apply after failing the interview with cathay? or is it just a unoffcial announcement??

23rd Apr 2005, 19:04
Yes, you must wait for a year before you re-apply.

Canadian Beech
24th Apr 2005, 06:57
Does everyone who is unsucessful get the 'see you in a year' speech?

Canadian Beech
24th Apr 2005, 07:09
Is it a practical, or realistic expectation that one might actually get called for another interview (if told to update in 12 months)? after failing the second interview (DESO). How many of you had made it the second time thru, or know someone who did? Do they mean it, or does everybody who gets rejected get this line?:ugh:

Techo Taxi Driver
24th Apr 2005, 11:02
Hiya CB

I know of 3 people who were re-interviewed. 2 got in and 1 didn't. Of the 2 that got in 1 had 2 second interviews, I'm not sure of the other one.

One things for sure though. If you miss out second time round they will not look at you again. (this comes from MC) Because of this, they will not interview you until they are sure you are ready for it. Of course it's fairly hard to be any better prepared as they don't let you know where you went wrong the first time.

Anyway, hope this helps and good luck.


24th Apr 2005, 18:26
I was unsuccessful in the mere 1st interview, but perseverance prevails (at least saying it makes me feel better). I emailed after recieving my rejection letter asking if I would have to start the whole process over again (resume/application/etc), this is the response I recieved. Not exactly warm and fuzzy, but to the point.

' Your are welcome to continue to up-date your file every 6 months (you retain the same PRN number). You cannot be re-considered for an interview until a period of 12 months has pasted since your prior interview.'

I presume this would be the same for second interview guys too.

24th Apr 2005, 20:31
Hi guys,
Did somebody pass first interview from second attempt? What is the usual time frame after unsuccessful first interview and invitation to try again?
Thanks in advance.:O

25th Apr 2005, 00:44
you are allowed two goes to get into Cx but as stated earlier two strikes and you are definately out, so best not to rush at the second attempt, wait 18months minimum .........................
If you didn't get in first time around almost 100% certain your sim ride wasn't up to scratch................Cathay places huge emphasis on the sim ride, and as you will find throughout your career should you get in, they are happy if you can answer all the questions but they are not crucial, course if you can't fly the plane........................well, thats that.............

On the plus side, you now know exactly what is involved and what is required so you have every opportunity to practise and make sure you put in a good performance next time around

25th Apr 2005, 13:58

I passed the first interview on the second attempt, after waiting 4 years. I was initially interviewed in 2000 and was unsuccessful. I wrote and updated every few months.

The long wait was not helped by 9/11 then SARS, but the constant updating paid off, with another initial interview offered in 2004, then a second one shortly after.

When interviewed second time around they all commented (both interviews) on how I had constantly been in contact with them during the 4 years and that they were impressed with that.

Good luck and don't give up !

26th Apr 2005, 16:41
Thank you very much for your inputs.
Have a good day.;)