View Full Version : Should I wait?

14th Apr 2005, 03:49
Hello All!

This is my first post so I just want to say hi!

I am looking at applying to CX and was wondering if I should wait a few months. I would like to apply for DEFO based here in the USA. At my current airline I'm going to upgrade in May and should be finished with the upgrade by June. I currently have approx 3200hrs total, most of it either turbojet or turboprop. My upgrade has been postponed about 3 years since 9/11. Since I did not have the money I do not have my ATP yet, I will get it with the type and upgrade. Should I wait to apply to CX in hopes of getting invited for the DEFO interview or is my time still low enough that I would qualify for SO regardless of whether I have the ATP yet or not? My current plan is to finish the upgrade then apply.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

14th Apr 2005, 10:24
Apply when you are ready. You never know when they may call. If you are upgrading then concentrate on that and then apply and start preparing then. Good Luck!

15th Apr 2005, 03:23
Thanks a lot! That was my first instinct, get the upgrade out of the way and then go for it. I am starting to prepare now since a lot of the upgrade stuff and the interview items go hand in hand. I'll be in IAH for training so maybe I'll see you around!
