View Full Version : CX Interview in SFO 5/27

10th Apr 2005, 01:37
Anyone else have an interview on 5/27 in SFO? for the DE SO?

I'm hoping I make it a DE FO interview instead. Does this happen? I have 4200 TT 1500 MD80 and 400 EMB-135.


12th Apr 2005, 04:15
Same here, I just got a call from Monica Chang. On the phone I thought I heard FO but it's SO in the e-mail she sent me. I really don't want to be stuck in HK for years, all I want is FO based in the US (LAX, cargo) for now. If those in the know could shed some light on how to handle this best it would be much appreciated.

Also what's the best way to get this ATPL theory exam they want. I have an FAA ATP certificate, do I still need the ATPL exam???

Techo Taxi Driver
12th Apr 2005, 04:52

No disrespect man, but if you go to any CX interview with that attitude I wouldn't like your chances. HK is Cathay’s country, show some courtesy, some of us can't wait to move to Hong Kong. :ok:

Perhaps a US carrier would be more suitable? :confused:


12th Apr 2005, 05:13
No disrespect was meant, I do appologize if any was preceived. In fact being based in HK wouldn't be a deal breaker for me. I already do fly for a US based airline with lot's of seniority, it's just that there aren't any US based airlines offering a real airline job like they used to anymore, so I'm looking to work for a foreign airline where they still do offer real airline pilot jobs! And since I live in Los Angeles I want to know what to expect for long term planning purposes.:ok:

They called me back a lot faster than I had expected from the info I got from here, I haven't even had a chance to send in an update... no complaints.


A/T less
18th Apr 2005, 07:12
Techo Taxi,

why are you so offended because someone don't want to live in Red China?

If I didn't know any better, I'd have thought you're chinese or something...

18th Apr 2005, 09:57
Look, Cathay is a different kind of company. They look at everything you say and how you say it and evaluate whether you are just job searching or truly want to work for only Cathay. You need to be hugely pro Cathay and have the attitude of Cathay first then my needs.
Starting of with "I want this and I want that" will get you nowhere but out the door.
It is truly and great company with some of the best people I have the delight of knowing. They WILL take care of you if you put in the effort and show respect.
No matter how or where you end up you will eventualy be able to get what and where you want, and your wants may change once your in the system.
If you call and ask about the FO thing, try to formulate your question in a way that looks like you are trying to benefit Cathay, maybe you will get the job you want. I got 744 F/O LAX, it and ANC were the only bases offered. If you are a Tomcat guy with a fleet and TRACOM or RAG tour under your belt you should meet the mins for F/O.
Not trying to call you out on the carpet, just warning you to be careful. Sometimes us U.S. military pilot types can get a little "Me Me ME":ok:

Oh, A/T Less, if you don't want to ever live in "Red" China, don't ever apply to Cathay. I bet there are many a furloughed guy out there that would beg to live in "Red" China if it meant a steady paycheck and health benifits for their Fam's.

A/T less
19th Apr 2005, 00:36

Ok dude, I won't apply since I am already senior to you.

That arrogant attitude will get you OUT the door pretty fast. You love telling people what to do don't you?

19th Apr 2005, 10:57
You work for a Chinese airline and have that kind of attitude towards China? You are going to have a miserable career. I personally can't wait to move to Hong Kong and, again if you don't, you should not work for this airline.
Where is my arrogant attitude? I was telling a possible fellow Navy guy about what the company expects and not to blow it. Everyone needs some grounding from time to time and before the Cathay interview is a great place to do it. All the people I have known that have not made it are people that did not play the game. They go into interviews thinking,"They are going to be lucky to have me."
That is up to the company to decide, not the indivdual.
As far as the Navy, most people couldn't care less about military flying, so I don't talk about it unless asked and then only to answer a question. If you know me you would know that. You would also know I am very humbled to be with this company. Since being here I have done nothing but try to make friends, study, and fit in for the long term. Am I in the military anymore? NO! So it could not have been that great.
I just read my last post and can't find anything but an obscure reference to the military. I would truly love to know what in my last post set you off.

A/T less
19th Apr 2005, 18:36
Just because I work here doesn't change the fact that this place belongs to communist china. If you choose to ignore that, it's your prerogative.

Just a word of advice, they don't like outspoken people..you are too new here bud.

19th Apr 2005, 23:13
OK, no more personal stuff please guys and gals, back to the thread topic. Thanks.:D

30th Apr 2005, 14:30
What was the time line from sending in your application until your 1st interview? Does anyone know how long between the first and 2nd and 2nd and a class date? I have a job with one of the many ailing US carriers and what to try to time this so I am still current when I go for the interview. Thx

1st May 2005, 03:20
It took initially 6 weeks for me to recieve my app in the mail and then 2 weeks to set up my interview. My interview was last monday and was told the results of the interview will be May 6th and a possible 2nd interview would be in Sept and class date in 2006 sometime. Hoping for good news on Thurs EDT/Fri AM in HKG. :uhoh: