View Full Version : Catering security

6th Apr 2005, 16:05
We have just had a change whereby our catering containers/bars etc. are not to be opened until after take off, apparently a new goverment security ruling. I am curious if other companies have picked this up in the same way as ours as it actually seems to be ANTI secuity as I would have thought it more likely for a bomb to be placed in a container before loading than after, prior to this ruling the containers were checked by the crew before departure, now the first you will know of a suspect item is after take off:uhoh:

7th Apr 2005, 18:02
Despite the assurances from the company that all containers are checked, I do think that this is not a good way forward.

Yes, the luggage is checked by x ray. Yes, the crew and cleaners etc are security checked, but the fact remains that these containers are a vulnerable route for unscrupulous people to get items onto an aeroplane.

The other downside is that if the crew find things missing, who suffers - the passengers - who pays our wages - the passengers - who won't book with us again - the passengers !

Captain Stable
8th Apr 2005, 07:25
foxmoth, it sounds very odd to me and, as you say, not conducive to security. I would suggest you ask your company security officer to query it with DfT TranSec.

8th Apr 2005, 11:28
Maybe worth taking it up with BALPA or the IPA, or the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators, or all 3! Sounds a bit blooming cock-eyed to me.

18th Apr 2005, 23:17
apparently a new goverment security ruling.

If that's the case, wouldn't all operators be compelled to do the same?