View Full Version : MMR jab to flying

23rd Mar 2005, 16:31
I have an MMR jab at 9.00am on a wednesday morning, and I am flying, 6.00am on the friday - slightly less than 48 hours. Is this acceptable or should I cancel the doctors?

Are there any adverse affects from the MMR jab?


23rd Mar 2005, 18:39
As a passenger or as a driver?

25th Mar 2005, 10:06
As a driver im afraid

25th Mar 2005, 12:22
Dunno what the regs say but most people have very little if any effect after a vaccination.

Sometimes they can have a bit of irritation at the site of injection sometimes people can get some general malaise symptoms.

So will probably very much depend on how you react.

25th Mar 2005, 12:41
Thanks for that - I think I will keep the appointment, as mentioned previously I have nearly 48 hours from jab to flight. Plenty of time to call sick if I do end up feeling horrendous!

Thanks again,