View Full Version : How useful is 'Preparing for your Cathay Pacific Interview by Captain XYZ'?

14th Mar 2005, 14:13
Would like to ask how useful is it to CX Cadet Pilot Applicant? And what is the latest edition?

14th Mar 2005, 17:30
It is more toward DEFO or SO, little mention about CPP
there are some Q&A that you may find it interesting,
it's up to you to find it useful or not.

I got the 9th edition printed at 2000, not sure are there new one.

14th Mar 2005, 19:22
I personally don't find it worth the money. Most of the information on wage, benefits are somewhat out of date. The cadet program was only mentioned in a single paragraph. However, the history section will rather useful but I assume you can gather that from your local library or some other online resources. The book is geared more toward ex-pat DEFO and DESO.

14th Mar 2005, 19:25
Latest one is 10th edition, I interviewed for SO position and not a single question from XYZ book was asked. Even the written test is different. It is a good book but as I said it didn't do me good. But you never now, every interviewer is different.:8

15th Mar 2005, 01:14
The Captain XYZ book is OK if you have no idea about CX or how to construct a CV and apply, but other than that I found it almost useless. The fact that you are posting on this site would indicate to me that you have some idea how to research, and I would suggest that you will learn more from reading the last few months worth of posts (or searching within it for specific topics) on this forum.

I was particularly disappointed that having just paid a reasonably large amount of money for Edition 9, I discovered it to be years out of date, and that Edition 10 was released just 1 week after I received Ed. 9 - so disappointed, in fact, that I sent Ed. 9 back and asked for the updated release. Even on receiving Ed.10, I still found it to be considerably out of date, particularly with regard to time sensitive company information such as routes/fleet/profit/persons. You would do better by reading company history/news releases and particularly by downloading the latest CX Annual (or Interim) Report (all on the CX website).

If you want it for the tech/ops questions, then get the Captains ABC "Airline Interview Questions Explained" book - sister publication to Captains XYZ. Rather than just asking the tech/ops questions, it actually answers them too.

Hope this helps,

15th Mar 2005, 10:05
Thanks alot people for your replies!:p

Canadian Beech
15th Mar 2005, 10:35
I've heard that it was written by 3 guys who failed the CX interview... so take it with a grain of salt;) . I find the search function at this website to be much more useful. Good luck!