View Full Version : 49ers to lead Chinese New Year Parade

8th Feb 2002, 09:11
Whatever the rights and wrongs of the dispute, I can't but be amused by the fact that the SF 49ers cheerleaders will lead the Chinese New Years Parade in Hong Kong, which event is, of course, sponsored by our favourite local airline.

10/10 for style to someone in the ivory tower at CX-City

8th Feb 2002, 14:14
Perhaps we can get 411a, Ironbutt57 and the guvnor out there too..... :) <img src="tongue.gif" border="0"> :)

11th Feb 2002, 21:51
I don't know if it's deliberate or not. But if not, it should have been. It's absolutely brilliant.

12th Feb 2002, 19:29
Cheese, me old mate...brilliant, eh?

Here's how brilliant they are (and I am really cheesed off about this):

ALL (and I mean ALL) details of new cockpit door reinforcment, keys and who has them have been PUBLISHED in CX News (a Cathay glossy mag)


13th Feb 2002, 06:54
Mr. Kubota, me old tractor, kung hei fat choi.

Glad to see you haven't lost the ability to make your point in one matter by using the "facts" from another.

I do tend to agree about the doors though.

17th Feb 2002, 18:19
The 49ers was an impressive display regardless how you feel.

All's fair in love and war.

Poke Guy
17th Feb 2002, 18:56
Got any pics?