View Full Version : Monarch A300-600s

Donkey Duke
27th Feb 2005, 16:57
Can someone give me a typical roster of a Monarch A300-600 pilot? Where are they based? What about the A330 trips? Thanks so much. Cheers.

28th Feb 2005, 14:15
I'd be curious about the rosters for both the A300 and the A330 as well. Are the 300s flying mostly US and African/India/SE Asia flights while the A330 is flying Florida and Caribbean? How many days do you typically spend down route (layover time)? Where is the furthest afield Monarch flies and which aircraft does it use?

For those who can bid both aircraft, what's the benefit of flying one over the other? I would think the A330 would be the preferred fleet but I could be wrong...

28th Feb 2005, 15:25
One or the other, 330 after serving your time on, then including 320/1 mix fleet. 330 and 767 to be the longhaul beach jets, afraid 300 will be doing Egypt , Banjul rtn etc with the rest of the sched and i.t. work force.:{

Donkey Duke
28th Feb 2005, 21:24
Thanks so much for replying. I have seen quite a few of those A300s at LGW and I have always wondered where they fly to. Did you say that the A300 crews fly all the way to Egypt and Banjul from LGW and return the same day? Ouch. What about ski chartes in the Winter and Greek Islands in the Summer? Is the A300 fairly senior to fly? Does it pay a lot more than the A320/21? Do you get paid extra to fly the 330? Do you enjoy Sanford? Thanks so much again. Cheers.

1st Mar 2005, 00:54
Seniority in MON only counts for the A330 and soon 767. These are flown by the senior A320/1 and 757 crews respectively. The A300's operate a mix of long haul and short haul but more long haul in the winter. Most of the A300 long haul is via Bahrain, and this is where most of the crews slip (also some in Goa this year). Salary is the same for all fleets. Bidding for type changes only happens if it is convenient for the company. A300 crews are based predominantly at LGW and MAN although a few are still LTN based (unlikely that any more will be based at LTN). The A330 trips are variable, the winter has week long Male trips, bullet Goa's and two or three day Calgary's amongst others. In the summer expect Orlando (bullets or a few days) and in years gone by lots of Cuba trips. The A330 probably has the best mix of short and long haul but as has been said you will have to do your time on the A320/A321 first. Recruitment is on to all fleets depending on requirements. The majority this year and probably in future years will be A320/A321. Hope this helps.

Donkey Duke
1st Mar 2005, 06:42
Thank you for your response. Cheers.