View Full Version : CX to Park 6 x 744 at Avalon

The Guvnor
5th Dec 2001, 13:16
From today's ATWOnline:

Cathay Pacific to ground six 747-400s[/b]
Dateline: Wednesday December 05, 2001

Cathay Pacific plans to park six 747-400s--more than a quarter of its dash 400 fleet--at
Avalon in Australia.

Some of the airline's high-profit routes are running at a loss and the first quarter of
2002 "will be very worrying," Director- Corporate Development Tony Tyler said.
Cathay's RPKs fell 18% in Oct. but that doesn't reveal fully the depth of the decline on high-profit routes to Japan and the US; North Asia routes to Japan, Taiwan and South Korea were down 20.6%. "Japan, an important market for all airlines in the region, has shown itself to be very weak. The Japanese are just not traveling," Tyler said. Cathay has slashed capacity to the US by 25%, raising load factors to 70% while overall load factors have fallen to 65%.

8th Dec 2001, 13:21
jeeezuzz Guv, where do you get all this duff gen from? next you'll be telling all that Gulf Air are relocating to Hong Kong and Maggie Thatcher is the new CEO!

8th Dec 2001, 13:59
Does seem a bit strange Guv.

Considering last week they were saying it would be 2 Freighters, 2 744's and 2 A340's.

My guess, is that they are trying to blow smoke up everyones a*se.

Believe it when I see it....

Wanchai Butterfly
8th Dec 2001, 16:24
The aircraft to be parked are as follows

HOW in Avalon
HOX in Xiamen from mid Jan..this will be returned to lesser in Aug

HXF and HXK both in avalon from late Dec

plus two A330s.

8th Dec 2001, 19:44
Another chance for CX to clean house in the flight ops department....and none too soon.

9th Dec 2001, 03:12


13th Dec 2001, 17:54
Wanchai Butterfly...no news on the Classic Freighters?
411a, hope you get a nice dose of herpes for xmas... :rolleyes:

13th Dec 2001, 19:01
Stagecoach (surely that's an English bus company?)driver:
No herpes for me!
I don't play around with wan chai butterflies...

14th Dec 2001, 08:25
411A or 4llA, seems that we now have two of you. Now which one is the real a*sehole. Or should we just treat you both the same..