View Full Version : How clever do you have to be?

25th Feb 2005, 17:31
As the title says... how clever do you have to be to be a pilot...

I really want to become one and my friend told me that Physics as a subject is an advantage but isn't necessary.

What other academic subjects do you have to be good at?

I've got all my main GCSEs which are all passes including sciences- Mathematics and Physics.

A Levels too, though they aren't science related.

3rd Mar 2005, 03:44
As no one else has replied, I will.


You don't have to be a rocket scientist to be a good pilot. Of course, you must be able to do basic calculations in your head. You need to be able to learn about your aircraft and how it flies. That will help you if you ever get into problems.

Other subjects which help are of course geography. Using maps and the weather are big in aviation...we do that every day!

The main thing about becoming a pilot is to have the right attitude. You must have the determination to succeed. You will have to put many hours in studying books. It is better if you do this because you really enjoy what you are learning, instead of just because you think you have to. You have to want to know more.

You might think about doing a degree. This will add that 'little bit extra' to your CV. It will also give you another 'string to your bow'. Aviation is a difficult and expensive industry to get started in. If you have another way of earning money, it could make things easier.

Do some research about other ways of getting in. The military, sponsorship with a big airline etc...

Hope this helps.
