View Full Version : DEFO initial training

22nd Feb 2005, 16:11
Are new hire DEFO's type rated on the B747-400?

23rd Feb 2005, 00:59
Direct Entry F/Os are only hired on the Freighters therefore depending on your base (N.America, Europe etc) will decide which A/C you train on either the -200F or the -400F.

N.America - 747-400F
Europe - 747-200F or 747-400F
Australia - 747-200F

and you get a P1 rating.


1st Mar 2005, 13:23
iah, you HAVE to be type rated. The only ICAO authority that I know of that doesn't need FO's to be typed is the FAA's (There may be others, but not many in the West or East for that matter).

As HK CAD has elected to stick with the UK CAA's way of doing things, they require anyone who is going to have their hands on the stick and throttle (LS or RS) to have demonstarted a level of competence sufficient to warrant issue of a type rating. Pretty damn sensible if you ask me.

As SMOC says, you will be P1(PIC) rated even though you will train initially only in the RHS, (the type rating isn't seat specific).

You will be able to log RHS seat time as P1(U/S - under supervision) while performing PF duties, and as P2 (SIC) when performing PNF duties. You'll be able to log duty hours while performing third crew member duties (good for flight crew duty limitations).

In the NORAM Freight bases, there is a requirement for B744 crews only.

This type rating will be on your HK licence though - not your FAA licence.

Hope this helps.

1st Mar 2005, 14:43

yes it does! Thank you!