View Full Version : SQ Co-pilot interview

20th Feb 2005, 11:41
Anyone receive phone call or email regarding SQ Co-pilot interview in March?

20th Feb 2005, 15:07
You have to use the right forum, SQ is not in fragrant harbour try Far East below.

21st Feb 2005, 11:09
sorry for that, as the interview will be held in Fragrant Harbour, that's why I post it there and try my luck. Cheers

25th Feb 2005, 10:04
Hi aerosmith
I've also got an interview supposedly on the 3rd of March at 9am, guess what, I haven't received any email from them, only a voicemail saying that I should get back to them...
I give Joyce a call, and she's not in the office!!
Would you mind letting me know what the details of the day are so i can try and prepare my self for the things



25th Feb 2005, 15:47
Please check your PM, thanks

Besides, the email contain nothing more then time and date & bring all the necessary document.....:rolleyes:

26th Feb 2005, 08:36
I've got a call from joyce yesterday and the interview is schelduled on 3 march at 0900 too.

26th Feb 2005, 09:09
Hi Kinex,

Please Check your PM & good luck on the interview


27th Feb 2005, 03:17
Do you guys mind giving me the phone number for the recruitment office? They sent me an email telling me that their looking at my application and will contact me soon, but I just want to give them a ring just to make sure they didn't misplace my aps.

17th Mar 2005, 10:51
Just saying hi to all those who went on 3/3, if you hear any news of the 2nd round (pretty soon) let us know. Hope to see ya in SIN.

17th Mar 2005, 13:24
hey you guys are going for SinCargo or the MainLine, mind give me some info too:ok:

27th Mar 2005, 18:53
Its Singapore Airlines Group.....so it can be any one of them at the end of the day if succeed. :ok:

29th Mar 2005, 03:31
I've done the first interview on 3/3 in HK.
Would like to know if there's anyone got a reply from SQ for the 2nd round interview.
cheers and good like to ALL OF YOU!!!!

29th Mar 2005, 03:52
About 20-30 local first officers that are due for upgrade in 1-3 years to the LHS( during their times) left SQ since SARS. Does anybody know the reason behind?

Foreign co-pilot are employed on local terms. The high standard of living will leave us nothing to spend on?

Foreign co-pilot will take 10 years to be upgraded to the LHS regarding of previous experience.

Sign....SQ is a good company....but its employment terms for pilot recruitment are not that great.

29th Mar 2005, 04:43
Akistar - horses for courses and all that .....there have been many good eye opening comments about the good and the not so good aspects of joining SIA - see the thread about "SIA Changes the contract again".....

If it is 10 Years to Captaincy that is a relatively short time, especially if it's on wide-body equipment, look at BA, CX etc etc......it is much longer than that. Also worth bearing in mind is that those interviewed may come from vastly different levels of experience......therefore to say it is not a good deal, may be a relevant comment to someone who has many hours of jet experience who has other options, but there are those out there who want to get their first Jet job......

Without wanting to sound like an old fart, it's all too easy to fall into the "getting rich quick" mentality (not saying that you necessarily fall into that catergory, of course it would be nice to be paid well from day 1). Take the following situation....you could have spent the best part of four years doing some form of GA (not meant as a negative comment) struggling to make a living.....or you could have joined SIA....where initially the remmuneration may not be the best to begin with and may be limited on the top end when compared to other airlines. However, you will have gained much international experience which is something that you can move on with if you wish to.

With meals in Singapore cheaper than a cup of coffee from Starbucks in London, I don't think the standard of living is as high as you think. Besides transport in London is a lot to be desired? Let alone council tax......for so called services? Income tax rates which are as high as 40% not to mention national insurance contributions? As one poster in this forum put it......"it's about perspectives".......and another......
"don't say you weren't told!"

If you don't like the rules no one is forcing anyone to play the game, if you have a better opportunity then exercise your right.....

Just some of my thoughts.....

Kinex....I'm still waiting.......


2nd Apr 2005, 05:59
I just got a reply from SQ about the next stage interview in Singapore in mid april. anyone got the same email???
wish all good luck! :ok:

2nd Apr 2005, 13:57
See you there then :ok:

2nd Apr 2005, 23:01
For those who have interviews, what times do you guys have?
Just wondering what their looking for....

5th Apr 2005, 13:17
See you boys in SIN soon, Cheers & Good Luck :ok:

7th Apr 2005, 04:59
I got the call as well, see you all mid Apr in SIN. Good luck to all of you

7th Apr 2005, 13:52
hi dart18, is your interview on the 15th Apr 2005???

15th Apr 2005, 01:43
Hi Dinomax

Starting on 19th, should finish by 21st hopefully with the test results positive.......haha.......positive to proceed to the next round that is !

Will we see you there next week?

Dart 18