View Full Version : MEDICAL TOURISTS How will you Aviation Professionals Cope

19th Feb 2005, 23:20
Medical Tourists

The aviation industry is about to be caught short on being able to cope with the rapidly expanding requirement to handle a surging growth in Medical Tourism.

Anyone in the UK can NOW get an immediate hip replacement in Germany for half the cost of the same op at home. Go to India or Singapore and it is about a quarter the cost - air fares and all expenses included even with a holiday thrown in.

Already there are Medical Brokers for Medical Tourists being overwhelmed with inquiries and bookings.

India, Germany, Dubai, S Africa, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailland, S America and others are rushing into the business.

Are you guys and gals preparing to fly the medevacs out and back and look after them in flight?

Are the airlines preparing to have specialist sections of the cabin marked with a big red cross?
Will you have to carry a registered nurse as crew ?

It is happening NOW and growing fast.

Who is doing what to handle the present traffic and a demand which will inevitably peak before it simmers down a bit ?

Lou Scannon
23rd Feb 2005, 13:17
It is very simple.
When there is a need for medical flights and people are prepared to pay for them, the airlines will provide them.

In the meantime, it looks as if the few medical tourists that exist are being well catered for as normal passengers. Presumably they all keep away from the aircraft until such times as they can look after themselves as all the other passengers do.

Don't forget that it will cost the patients an arm and a leg if they need a stretcher and medical in flight attendants. Even assuming that the Captain will accept them as fit to fly anyway.

I am sure that no one would suggest that any airline be expected to subsidise someone's medical treatment.

23rd Feb 2005, 13:19
We're trying to sort things out so patient's don't have to travel abroad for their op!

25th Feb 2005, 14:07
Works both ways....some of us rave about the health services in Europe and the Far East.....far better than what the NHS offers

Lou Scannon
25th Feb 2005, 18:57
That's called "choice".
But bear in mind that these other health facilities charge more than the NHS either directly or through tax.

Some of the finest medical treatment in the world can be obtained in the USA , but not unless you can afford very very good insurance.