View Full Version : range

17th Feb 2005, 03:26
Does anybody know the range of the aircraft's mentioned here?




A340-300, A340-600, A330-300, 777-200, 777-300, 747-400, 747-200:rolleyes:

Techo Taxi Driver
17th Feb 2005, 05:36
That depends where you look for the information (engine or aircraft information). Here's what I got, based on the aircraft websites...

A330-300 5,650nm
A340-300 7,400+nm
A340-600 7,900+nm
B747-200F 6,223nm
B747-400F 4,445nm
B747-400 7,260nm
B777-200 5,210nm
B777-300 5,955nm

Hope this helps, but do the research yourself. You may come up with a different answer than me.

With the above figures in mind, can anyone tell me why the 400 freighter has less range than the pax aircraft.


17th Feb 2005, 07:19
The 744F Weight assumes that it is carrying a max payload..
That is Zero Fuel Weight - Empty Operational Weight =~ 270,000 pounds.

The amount of fuel carried in this max freight scenario will be MTOW - Zero fuel Weight which = 240,000 pounds of jet A..
This is only enought to fill 62% of the total fuel tank capacity..

For the PAX version figures, they assume a full pax payload..
420 Pax + bag only equals around =~ 92000 pounds of payload.

Therefore the PAX 744 can carry..MTOW - Payload - OEW pounds of fuel up to the maxium fuel tank capacitiy...... 877k- 92K - 392k = 390,000 pounds worth of jet fuel.... much more than what a frieghter can do with a revenue load.

The conclusion is that, A fully loaded B744 SF has can only carry 62% of the max fuel capaicity of a full PAX loaded B744 and therefore only has ~ 60% of its range.

Techo Taxi Driver
17th Feb 2005, 07:40
Great answer cheers, figured it was something along those lines...

flap relief
17th Feb 2005, 14:58
You guys should get out more!

17th Feb 2005, 17:30
Yeah, get a hobby or something :8

Techo Taxi Driver
17th Feb 2005, 20:19
I know, by the time I had my interview, my head hurt.....

Enjoying the summer now though:cool:


18th Feb 2005, 01:12

If u guys want the full load figures for the 777 series.. here they are..

B772 3250NM
B772ER 5800NM
B772LR 7500NM
B773 3700NM
B773ER 5500NM

Notice that 7500NM max payload range for the 772LR means that it might be possible to cut out a fuel stop on a transpacific freighter services. (thats why there is a 772F being offered).. MD11F 3800NM