View Full Version : medical certificate

13th Feb 2005, 07:22
ok one of the requirements for a ppl is to have a jar fcl medical two for a school i am looking at

i recently went to cranwell and passed the medical. What is the raf medical and does that count towards anything

Sky Wave
13th Feb 2005, 07:47
I'm afraid the RAF medical does not count, the class two medical has to be carried out by a registered AME.

Are you thinking of becoming a commercial pilot? If you are you should consider getting your class 1 at Gatwick. I would think that the class 1 initial would be almost the same as an RAF medical so if you passed your RAF medical you should have no problem with the class 1.

13th Feb 2005, 09:12
how long does it take to complete medical certificate 1 and 2

13th Feb 2005, 10:25
30 minutes, if you are quick. why??

Sky Wave
13th Feb 2005, 16:22
"30 minutes" are you joking??

Not sure if the Irish system is a bit quicker but my JAA class 2 took about an hour at my local AME and my JAA class 1 took at least 2 hours. It all depends how many people are ahead of you at Gatwick

13th Feb 2005, 16:41
Agreed my medical for the Class 1 took 3 hours,with a break for lunch in between,though do have to say those cream filled scones from the CAA restuarant were a delight!!:D :ok:

13th Feb 2005, 16:43
My class 2 took about 30-45 minutes if memory serves me.

For class 1 initials here in Ireland, they do a weekly clinic, i.e. they take 4-5 people at a time, rather than just 1 person. Started 8am, finished about 2pm I think.

14th Feb 2005, 07:12
don't live in Ireland. Just did my JAR class 1 renewal, was just under an hour, GBP65, cert + copy of full report to take home there + then.

14th Feb 2005, 07:41
Just wondering how do i get my medical. Is it simple a case of looking up a doctor on caa website. Also how long is the medical valid for?

With regard to the visa which visa do i need to complete a ppl in the states lasting approx 1-to 1 half months. Also how do i get my visa

14th Feb 2005, 07:48
I normally phone them up to book a slot. The medical took me all day to do that first time all those years ago. Anyway here is the link to the CAA website..

CAA medical (http://www.caa.co.uk/default.aspx?categoryid=49)


14th Feb 2005, 10:02

The medical depends on which you are after,if your just doing your PPL then a JAA Class2 will suffice and can be carried out at an CAA AME on the list provided.A class 2 is vladi for 5 years I believe.

However if your wanting to train commercially then you'll need the JAA Class 1 medical an the initial medical can ONLY be done at Gatwick and can take quite a few hours.A class 1 medical is valid for 1 year and must be renewed thus every year!:mad:

As fo your visa for the states I think you need an M-1 training visa but you should contact Naples and get the specific details from them.


14th Feb 2005, 11:10
I am afraid, I have to disagree.

London is not the centre of the world and initial JAR class 1s can be done in many places, Or have you seen long cues of French, Germans, Scandinavians, etc in LGW, waiting for their medical?!

Here (in Prague), the initial is about GBP120, you call them and do it next day (search google for the numbers). Smartwings, Aer Lingus, Baby and Easy have cheap tickets.

Can be done in the Mater Private in Dublin too, and should you require a UK medical, you send in a simple form and pay GBP20.

me_chambers, my JAR medical class 1 becomes class 2 automatically after one year and stays valid for another year, so you do not need to renew the class 1 for 2 years.

For peace of mind, should you want to go commercial, it may be a good idear to get the initial class 1 out of the way.

cheers, IP